
I'm on your side

Ulric and Azariah joining



7 Years
Dire wolf

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3Double MasterIce Bridge ExplorerMammoth HunterBeevent
1KCritical Hit!
10-11-2020, 04:44 PM

Ulric was proud of his fiancé for speaking for herself and making her voice known despite her hesitance and nerves. He knew that he was asking a lot of her when he had her come with him to join Resin's pack, but he hoped it would be a good learning experience for both of them. If he had any hope of bringing his pack into reality then he was going to need as much experience and knowledge of how they were run as he could get. This would be a good opportunity for her to get a feel for pack life as well and get used to living around several wolves - as well as give her plenty of chances to build her skills as well. It sounded like this place was going to place a high value on healers so this would surely be a great place for her to be.

When Resin motioned for them to follow he did just that, keeping Azariah at his side as they walked. He nodded occasionally with understanding and to acknowledge what was being told to him. He liked the layout that Resin had come up with - it kept the main body of the pack together while giving a space for growth and visitors as needed. He had also always enjoyed the view from the top of the falls so he was glad that they would be making their home there as well. It was certainly going to be a change of pace from the mangroves they had been living in for the last few seasons, but not in a bad way. He was really quite impressed with the work that had been done so far as Resin pointed out the dens and fences she had constructed and nodded in agreement when she mentioned that he would help her construct more living spaces. "Of course, I'd be happy to."

As they were welcomed into The Hallows he grinned and gave a nod of his head before peeking down at Azariah to give her a happy smile. This would be their home - at least for now. He was determined to make the very best of it and absorb every bit of knowledge he could so that one day they could forge their own path.
