
Colors In The Water


09-05-2013, 07:30 PM

Cocked ears listened carefully, barely catching the words that quietly fell from her mouth in a near quiet whisper. Concern would find its way onto his face, lips sealed tight and brows creasing. His eyes swirled with questions, wanting to ask her what happened that made her act in such a sudden and strange way. He caught the stream that trickled down her face, and instinctively he wanted to wipe them away but refrained. He didn't know her, let alone know her name. He didn't want to cause another episode on her for something he did, and so he sat just a foot away and glanced at his paws, ears laid back.

Again, her words reached him. Telling him that his voice reminded her of someone she knew. Or rather...used to know. What could it have been? Or...who could it have been that he reminded her of that made her react in such a way? Slowly he looked up at the girl, Aqua eyes understanding and wanting to help. "Um...if you want to talk abou' it...I'll listen. My name is Drake, Drake Aquarion. I'm willing to help you...if you'll allow it that is." He reached forward, gently lifting her head up with his own nose so that she would have to look him in the eye. To know that he was telling the truth, so that she would know he was willing to sit for however long it took for him to help her with whatever problem she had. "Don't cry, I'll remain here for however long it takes to make you feel better. Otherwise, you're gonna break my heart for making me recognize that I'm a failure for not bein' able to help you." He winked at the end of his sentence, trying to somehow make her at least smile or giggle. This usually worked with the young cubs and others within his old pack, and so he hoped that a bit of dramatic humor would help in this situation as well.
