
Good intentions can lead to bad endings

Nolan I


2 Years
Dire wolf
Athena I

10-12-2020, 12:52 AM

He hadn't entirely figured out why exactly he was going to see Acere, but he seemed to be all his mother could think about since they went to see him a while ago and as much as she wanted to go see him again, he just kept insisting that it was a bad idea. He didn't want to keep disappointing her, but the last trip had worn her out so badly that she didn't leave the den for several days after they got back. It just seemed like her heath was just swaying so wildly from day to day and one day she would be completely fine and another day she would seem too frail to even leave her den.

On one hand he understood that if she was going to live out her last days to the fullest then maybe it was worth it to help her explore this relationship with Acere more, but he was also selfish in wanting her to live for as long as possible so he could continue to keep her with him. Either way he didn't feel like he was going to win and he wasn't sure what he could do to solve it. He sighed to himself as he walked further north on his way to Winterfell. He figured maybe if he could talk the situation over with the man they could figure out some kind of middle ground where they could meet without her needing to go all the way north to do it or maybe set up a regular time for him to visit Valhalla instead. He wanted his mother to be happy, but he wanted her to be safe while she did it.

In an effort to make the trip at least a bit more interesting and less arduous, he had taken a bit of a detour to explore up through a bit of the mountainous region that stood between their two packs. He had spotted the waterfall in the distance and he'd gravitated toward it curiously. The roar of the water filled his ears as he got closer and there was a bit of fog surrounding the whole thing. It had been a pretty gray and dreary day for the most part, but it had been mostly warm as well which really just meant that it was muggy and foggy and over all just not a great day to be out traveling. His pale gaze turned up toward the top of the falls and he wondered if perhaps the air would be any cooler up there... plus he was curious about what the view from there would look like and that was really all the convincing the young, adventurous male needed to make the climb.

As he worked his way up the rocky mountain side, he was pretty careful with his accent, though his paws did slip a couple of times on the rocks that were slick from a recent rain and the misty fog that surrounded the falls. It took him a while to reach the top, but once he did he was glad he had. He walked along the river that fed into the largest of the falls till he reached the edge of the cliff where the water tumbled off into the empty air and he looked with awe at the view that this vantage point gave him. He could look over a good portion of the northern portion of Boreas from here and it was absolutely beautiful. It was a portion of the continent he hadn't really had a chance to explore as of yet, but perhaps while he was up here speaking with Acere he'd take an extra day to do a bit of exploring before he made his way back.

Nolan edged a bit closer to the cliff face as his thrill seeking side convinced him to take a peek over the edge of the falls to see just how far down the pool of water at the bottom was. He chuckled a little as he crouched down to make sure he didn't slip right off of the rocks as he peeked over the steep cliff. Then with just a slight crumbling sound that could just barely be heard over the sound of the water fall to act as a warning, the rocks beneath his front feet suddenly disappeared. He tried to scramble backward, but he wasn't quite fast enough. There was a moment where he felt like he was hanging mid air and then all at once the world came rushing back toward him. He fell head over heels down the side of the mountain, falling several feet before hitting another outcrop of rocks and bouncing back into the air until he finally reached the ground next to the pool at the bottom of the falls.

That first strike of his head against the rocks had mercifully knocked him out so he didn't feel the rest of his tumble down the cliff, but by the time he reached the bottom his body was far too broken to repair and his breathing had stopped. He easily sank into blackness and took his worries with him.
