
Good intentions can lead to bad endings



5 Years
Extra large
Athena I

10-12-2020, 10:59 AM

Even though he hadn't ended up going to see his family in Valhalla after all, the quick tour through Boreas had still given him plenty of time to think and clear his mind. There was still some more for him to consider and think about, but he didn't feel nearly as overwhelmed as he once had. Perhaps all he had needed was a change of pace and scenery... or maybe the escape from responsibility had just given him a false sense of calm and when he got back it would all come rushing back him.

"I don't know why you're so unsure. Your only purpose in this world is to continue our bloodline... But you can't even do that correctly it seems. You haven't even made her one of us."

He stopped mid step as the voice came rushing through his mind and he grit his teeth. It was the first time they had spoken that strongly since his encounter with the bear and he had actually begun to believe that he had somehow tamed them with that. Of course that had been a fool's dream, but it had been a wish and a home none of the less. Pushing it aside, he swung his path toward the sound of the falls just in the hope that the sound of the roaring water might help to fill his mind and drown out any other lingering demons that might come to pile onto his doubts.

As he grew close to the waterfall, an unexpected scent caught his attention, the metallic tang of blood mixing with the damp air. It immediately put him on high alert and he carefully moved closer to the falls with his two-toned eyes scanning the area for any danger. As he got closer, he didn't find any danger - but he did find a familiar figure that made his blood run cold. As soon as his mind decided that it really was his cousin, he rushed forward to his side but his question of if Nolan was okay died in his throat. The way that his body was twisted and mangled told him all that he needed to know even before he pressed his paw to the male's neck and felt just how cold his body was. He had to assume and hope that Nolan had at least died on impact instead of laying here suffering if for no other reason than his own peace of mind. He glanced up the rocky cliff side and could almost make out the path his body had taken on the way down.

He swallowed hard and pulled a trembling paw away from his cousin's body as he looked back down at the gray and white form, his ears folding back against his head. He had to tell Baine. She had to know. That was the only thought that kept running though his mind. First though, he knew he had to do something with Nolan's body. Getting it back to Valhalla was going to be impossible on his own and he was certain that by the time he got to his family's pack to get help scavengers were going to take it. Gritting his teeth against the idea of what he was going to have to do, he began to look around for somewhere that he could burry his body. The answer came in a section of pine trees maybe a dozen feet away from where he was currently standing. He carefully removed the gold chain with the pink stone pendant from the male's neck and set it off to the side before picking up the body by the scruff and taking him over to the secluded clearing.

After quite a bit of time, the deed was done and Nolan was safely underground with a fairly large, out of place rock to mark the place of his grave. He wasn't sure if his aunt would want to come to visit this place or not, but he wanted to make sure she would be able to find it if she did. He went back to the pool of water at the bottom of the falls and washed off all of the dirt and blood that had gotten on him in the process and once that was done he fell back onto his haunches, his body trembling lightly as he began to process everything that had happened in the last few hours. It was nearly dark now and his muscles ached from the journey he had taken and the work he had just put in to dig a grave, but when he glanced toward the necklace that was laying on top of a near by rock he knew his job wasn't done.

He forced himself back to his paws and tiredly picked up the necklace as he went back the way he came, back toward Valhalla.

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