
as we collide


09-05-2013, 08:00 PM

His teeth would sift through the fur on her ear, parting it and allowing her to feel how well-endowed his jawline was. Had he been anything but her nephew this demonstration might light a fire somewhere in her nether regions - although the familial line had never stopped her before. Still, the majority of her thoughts were on her brother and how he would fare in this battle. The woman did not seem incompetent, and if anything she almost appeared seasoned in warfare. Of course, there were few as seasoned as Sendoa herself - but that was another matter. Taurig would pose a question, to which she would give a definitive ?Of course.? To show anything other than belief in her brother would be unfitting in front of the Valhallans, and so Sendoa would bury any doubts that may or may not have been festering in her chest. Her brother was a decent fighter, and competent enough to take down this woman if he put his heart, soul, and mind into it. If he didn't do that, he would certainly lose. She would watch as the two heathens exploded, writhing and gnawing, swiping at anything they could reach. The woman posed an imminent threat by aiming an attack at Isardis' family jewels, bringing forth a disapproving snarl from the ever-protective sister. "The little whelp of a woman plays dirty,? she would note in Taurig's ear. Only time would tell if she would succeed or not.
