
Beware the bored fox



7 Years
Dire wolf

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3Double MasterIce Bridge ExplorerMammoth HunterBeevent
1KCritical Hit!
10-12-2020, 10:48 PM

He blinked when he was told that the little guy's name was Bait and he waited a beat to hear that it was a joke, but when the fox just grinned in response chuckled and just accepted it as fact. Bait it was then. He listened as the path that he was going to go down was described as difficult for a bit, but would be worth it in the end. He wasn't all that familiar with this area and at least to him it had all seemed difficult so he figured that he might as well just trust Bait since he didn't have anything to lose at this point. He nodded in agreement and went on to follow his new companion at his insistence, picking his way through the thick brush to do so.

He found himself in an area dense with vines and young trees with brush seemingly covering every inch that wasn't taken up by one of the other two options. "Alright!" he agreed with a shrug and a bit of a chuckle. Every way out of this place seemed difficult so one way didn't seem any different from another. Working his way through this patch of brush did at least give him a bit of leverage to use his height to his advantage since he was able to very carefully step over most of it by just checking where his foot was going to go next. It was a slow process, but seemingly effective thus far. Of course as soon as he started getting a little over confident and moving a little faster that was when a vine happened to get caught on his back foot and he fell face first into some bushes with a surprised "ooof".

He sighed and pulled himself back to his feet, careful to get his hind leg free before he did so. He looked on ahead up the hill and could at least see a bare spot in the distance so he knew he was at least making progress - it was just a slow, annoying process. Eventually though, he did make it to the top and just as Bait promised it was much easier to see from here. He sat back onto his haunches with relief, shaking out his tired front legs one at a time. "I hope I never have to step foot in this forest ever again," he commented with a chuckle, trying his best to keep his spirits up as he turned to look at Bait again. "What's next?"
