
Every Fire is a Lesson Learned



7 Years
09-05-2013, 09:28 PM

Walk | Talk | Think

There was a distracted nature to his answer, though Tahlia was momentarily drawn away from it as he spoke. Five! That was certainly a large litter. Just a little - and the emotion was very fleeting - she felt a sense of pity for the single mother inside the den, left to care for such a large family on her own. But no, she reminded herself, Bane intended to be there for the beginning of their lives. And after that they would be taken back to their pack where they would spend the remainder of their days. Perhaps the woman even had her own prospective male to return to when she made it back.

As the wind cut towards them, however, the inattention she had noticed in her mate and husband suddenly made sense. Unknowing of a majority of the plans that the dark grey male had worked out prior to her knowledge, she supposed the unrecognizable scent honestly could have been anyone considering the unfamiliarity of it, but Bane's reaction spoke otherwise. He drew away from her, settling into the heavy greenery nearby the den's entrance to watch as the stranger approached, Tahlia merely crouching a little where she stood so that what remained around her would shield her from view. The wolf, or at least what she could see of them, slipped by into the den, inside only a moment before it disappeared again. As her golden eyes shifted from the male and back to her mate, she caught the motion he gave her and she quietly followed his instruction, padding silently over to join him and crouching near his side where he had chosen to keep watch.

In what felt like no time at all, the wolf returned, and from her new vantage point, the russet and black she-wolf could see more easily who the stranger was. A mixture of grey and black, heavily coated in the scents of herbs and plants, the male wolf carried what appeared to be a mouthful of herbs back into the den, appearing oblivious to the two watching him. Her brow furrowed gently as he disappeared yet a second time into the den, knowing from another sidelong look at Bane that whoever the male was was treading on thin ice. Or at least from her husband's perspective; no noise of protest was made from within the den. Reaching toward him slowly with her muzzle, Tahlia whispered into his ear in a hushed voice, "Who is that?" She could not see quite so well into the den as Bane could, but from the look of things his presence was unexpected.