


09-05-2013, 09:29 PM

Fascination struck the ever-curious mind of the juvenile hellion as her pupils were directed towards the sky sheeted in darkness and obscurity, smooth tendrils of a foreign substance that desperately reached to ensnare luminescent spheres that loomed above captivating her attention entirely. As her gaze devoured the wonder of her surroundings, the pallid viper could not help but to pause in her saunter out of astonishment toward the surreal phenomenon, skull elevating from its alignment with the majority of her spinal column while her neck craned to view the icy columns that stretched before her. Jaws fell agape as she consumed what she could of the landscape, an incredulous frown chiseling at her parted lips as she pondered the spires? existence, thoughts churning through her active mind as she took tentative strides into the ice field, uncertain as to what would happen should she touch or even approach the unknown obstacles in her path.

Persistent sniffles graced the otherwise silent atmosphere, causing the babe?s ears to swivel towards the sound and her lackadaisical stance to tense as she realized she was not as alone as she had predicted. Her heart sunk from her chest to the pit of her stomach as fear forced its way through her, but instead of fleeing from the situation, she allowed her skull to turn in the direction of the sound, broad chest cavity puffing out some in an instinctual attempt to appear larger and more intimidating than she actually was. Violet and mercury gaze easily located the source of her disturbance, relief washing through her system as she observed the minuscule creature that appeared equally as anxious as she had previously been, going so far as to widen the distance between them even more so than it had already been. Brows furrowed, creasing her forehead in the process, as her gaze swept over the quiet whelp, developing figure pivoting to face the child with expectancy. ?Well?? the phantom child finally questioned after a few prolonged moments of complete silence, eager to learn why this whelp had pursued her, unaware to the fact that it was a mute.