
Find A Reason


The Hallows

Master Fighter (240)

Master Navigator (275)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

11 Years

Double MasterCritical Hit!WordyPride - Bisexual1KBeevent
Bronze Medal 2020
10-14-2020, 10:31 PM

Tamsyn smiled and gave a little nod of her head to the congratulations she received. It felt like this pregnancy had gone so fast sometimes since it felt like just yesterday that she had been exploring the west with the gray and white woman, but now here she was, nearly at the end of her pregnancy. At the same time though, it almost felt like it had gone on longer than she could have ever imagined. It just depended on how she was feeling that day - that would determined how excited she felt about carrying these little bundles of joy around for all these weeks. She pushed those thoughts aside though as she focused on Aranea and her reason for coming to their borders today.

Surprise colored her expression when she mentioned that Lirim would no longer be and she had come seeking a new home here, offering her skills with herbs to help out. While she was curious about what had gone on with Lirim, she was pleased to have the kind woman coming to them instead. "Well, we can certainly make use of your skills here," she assured Aranea with a warm smile, her tail wagging gently behind her. She gave a small nod of her head further into the territory and she added, "Come on, I'll show you where Meadow has set up a space for the healers to work and tell you a little more about the pack." A more amused grin touched her lips as she added, "I won't be quite as quick as I was during our last adventure, but we'll get there eventually!"

She turned and began to waddle her way around the edge of the hot springs to the other side of the territory where they had set up an area with a storage shed of sorts for herbs and supplies and beds for injured and sick wolves to rest. Along the way she began to fill her friend in on how The Hallows had shaped up since they last spoke. "The main goal of the pack is to be a place of healing for anyone and everyone who needs it so you can see why being a healer is quite a good skill to have around here. Resin is of course our alpha and her sister Meadow has kind of taken charge of getting this area set up, but we have a couple of other healers in the pack as well - Lúta and Azariah. I'm sure you'll meet them soon enough!" She made a nod with her head up toward the top of the Sunset Falls that loomed near by and added, "The pack's members all have dens in the wooded area around the falls over there and down near the hot springs over there are some dens that guests can use. If you'd like to use one of the guest dens until you're able to get fully settled in you of course can do that. Ulric has been helping with getting dens dug and made - I'm sure he'd be happy to help you get yours sorted out if you'd like."

Once they reached the healer's area she turned to face Aranea and settled back onto her haunches with a relieved sigh, chuckling softly to herself. "These pups couldn't come a day too soon. I'm ready to be able to wander and explore again without feeling like I might topple over at a moment's notice."
