
I See You


09-05-2013, 11:22 PM (This post was last modified: 09-08-2013, 04:03 AM by Gael.)

He was almost two years old now. His birthday in the winter was quickly approaching. Only a month or so left until he turned two. He was nearly a full grown man. And with the coming of age came the new realizations about his body that he hadn't noticed before. Lying here with Meili, with her body pressed up against him, he was suddenly becoming acutely aware that he was a male and she a female. And his body was taking notice to, driving him to do things he had never done before, things that were both unknown yet instinctual. In that moment, there was no thought to what others opinions were about their relationship, to what the age difference between them was. The only thoughts there were allowed were those that only pertained to his little woman and how beautiful she was...He'd always known she was beautiful, it had been the first thing he had noticed when they'd first met all that time ago, but right now in this moment, she seemed even more beautiful than even before. How was that possible? She probably just got more beautiful with each passing day.

The food that he had helped her catch was forgotten for the time being, his appetite for food suddenly gone, replaced with a whole new appetite. Meili of course knew what was going on, or so he thought she did given that she was older than him, as she began to rub her muzzle against the side of his neck, kissing his chin gently, a pleased rumble vibrating in her chest. Cerulean gaze disappeared from view as he felt her lean against him, her timber pelt mixing with his silver one, tail intertwining as she kissed his muzzle and cheeks. He could feel a low pulse begin to pound between his hips, but instead of shying away from it, Gael embraced it, allowing it to thrum through his entire body as his muzzle skimmed down her nape, salmon tongue swiping out to kiss at her skin. Gentle nips were given as he slowly made his way down, tracing her spine about mid belly before beginning to make his way back, his own low rumble vibrating in his massive chest.

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