
Drop on by



09-05-2013, 11:49 PM
How could she let Anthem be alone for so long?! She was ashamed of it, she should have stayed with him while Howl hunted. But she also knew that he would need her too if they wanted something other than rabbits. His unique howl called out to her and her brother. With a quick hasty good bye to the pups, she had dashed after the sound as if all hell broke loose. Her own head threw back to answer in a sweet caress, rising to add to Anthem's before it had ended. Her own howl seemed to twine in with the natural sounds around them. Seeming as if it had always been there.

The tiny female raced though marsh like puddles, leapt over large tree roots. For a healer she moved with the fine grace of a warrior. She did not slow to see if Howl followed, she just knew he was behind her. She would crash into the scene, heading straight for Anthem. She sniffed him over carefully, inpsecting him for any injuries before she would cover his left face in gentle licks. "Oh Anthem..I'm so sorry. Howl and I went to find food." he told him slowly. It was then she noticed two others there. First her eyes fell on Novella. Shock and anger flashed in her eyes. What in moon's name was her little sister doing here away from home? Mother would be franic! Then her eyes turned to those just like her own only opposite. She stared at the white wolf before her in shock. But her brain knew who this was, she knew as soon as she saw her. But it was her heart that kept her from greeting her sister Song. She could only stare, emotions barely kept under control. Tail raised high and head lowered. All at one she was thrilled, angry, sad, lost, scared, and jealous. She did not know which emotion would react first so she kept her jaws tightly shut. Let Howl make the first move. On instinct she had moved her body in a protective fashion infront of Anthem and woul not falter from it either.