
Crossing Ts, dotting Is




7 Years
Dire wolf

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3Double MasterIce Bridge ExplorerMammoth HunterBeevent
1KCritical Hit!
10-19-2020, 01:15 PM

The days following Azariah telling him that they were expecting had been a whirlwind. He had been keeping himself busy around the pack lands as it was with helping with the den building and getting into the habit of doing patrols and slowly getting to know the other wolves that lived here - but now with this news he had doubled down on all of this to make sure everything was in place before they were born. He'd set to work redoing the den he had nearly completed for him and Azariah to create more space for the pups that were to come and trying to think of things that would help to keep the little ones safe. If occurred to him that perhaps he was just keeping himself busy to keep himself from overthinking the fact that he was about to be a father and all of the overwhelming emotions that came with that new fact, but he didn't dwell on that thought for very long - preferring to push that off instead of address it.

As he finished his patrol for the morning and made sure that Azariah had eaten and was cared for, he went across to the other side of the area that the pack had slowly turned into their living spaces to go to the den that Resin had been working on for herself and Tamsyn. He'd been by a few times, helping her with moving in some larger pieces and helping her to get things in place. Seeing how she had built hers certainly influenced how his was shaping up, but he wasn't sure that his would ever be quite as grand. He did like the rocks that she had placed around the entrance to act a bit like a fence for puppies... perhaps he'd have to implement something like that eventually.

The scarred leader wasn't hard to find and he walked over to her with a slight grin. He knew that if anyone else in the pack needed to know about his upcoming children then it was going to be Resin. Of course it was important to let the leader of the pack know what was going on with their members and give her a heads up for any major changes in how many mouths there were going to be to feed, but he was mostly just excited to share with someone he saw as a friend. "I have some news for you," he told her as he walked up beside her and lightly bumped her shoulder with his head. He knew she liked to get right to the point with most things so he wouldn't beat around the bush too much.
