
Allegro x Aranea pups!



7 Years
Chrono I

10-30-2020, 10:42 AM (This post was last modified: 11-02-2020, 02:54 PM by Aranea.)

Heyo! I'ts finally happening! Allegro and Aranea babies! Lots of potential stuff and freedom for these guys!

So Aranea will be traveling to Abaven to give birth to these pups and potentially leaving them with Allegro for the most part to be raised while she goes back to The Hallows to continue her duties there. She will still be the most active mother she can be and love each and every one one of these guys. For those that don't know, Aranea had a teen pregnancy and her lover, Tyranis, abandoned the pack and herself and stole their son from her. Aranea's depression started just before these events and when she was abandoned she pushed Nuada (Viper) away though she doesn't remember this, she just believes that Nuada wandered outside and died somewhere. I plan on getting Aranea and Viper reunited within the next IC year or so and the pups will have the potential of meeting their not-so-compliant sister. I also imagine Aranea and Allegro to have another litter by the time they are 7 years old and will expect that to be Aranea's last litter, it all just depends on how everything is at that time. I also intend on paying for any extra pup passes needed!

Alignment: These guys should range from the Neutral to Good alignments, Allegro and Aranea will both be very happy and loving parents though the situation with Aranea I can see and expect some tension with how some of these guys feel about their mother. Otherwise they shouldn't be leaning towards evil alignments unless some character development stuff happens. Viper didn't turn out evil, just defiant and mental so I don't expect any of these pups to go off on serial killer sprees for really any reason xD

Personalities: Pretty much what I said above but to add to that, Allegro is very good hearted and family loving so these guys should strive to protect/love at least their immediate family and potentially those of Abaven/any future packs they would be in. Balthier himself will be rather quiet/cold but have very strong feelings about protecting his family and the pack. In the future I see him not liking Viper so much for reasons relating to how she feels about Aranea. Again, these guys holding some grudges against Aranea is welcome! Aranea is also one that cares about those she loves but it very submissive and will try to flee rather than fight unless she absolutely had to. She would definitely put herself in danger between her children and someone who wants to hurt them though but this is so Allegro's job. It is also possible, though not required, that these pups can inherit Aranea's depression later on down the road, hers developed shortly before the age of two.

Appearances: Aranea is very simple in design where as Allegro has a much more complex design. Allegro's gold markings will be discounted at 600 gems for Odd colored markings and 225 gems for Odd shaped markings. More acceptable colors are in a wide range variety with White, Grey, Black, and Russet. Both Aranea and Allegro have blue eyes but I can see some green and purples finding their way in there. Allegro is directly related to the Destruction's so their markings will be encouraged.

Some Designs by me, I'd like to try and make some more well before we pick players!

You are welcome to make any changes to my designs though I don't have the PSD files to go too crazy in changing them myself other than say eye color xD My art skills are something else but most of the markings are meant to blend together rather than be like I AM A STRIPE. Anyways, please ask staff if you see a design you'd like to use here and what will need to be purchased (Balthier needed both Odd colored and Regular shaped markings). Keep those discounts in mind! Also feel free to use any of your own designs!

Aranea is a small wolf at 26 inches and Allegro is a large wolf at 36 inches so height can range just about anywhere and if you want you can purchase any height reduction or extra height.

Names: Almost forgot this one xD I kinda went off on my own thing with Balthier, so not going to be too strict on names though Allegro/Destructions tend to relate to song/music/sound names just as an idea. But I'd rather stay away from simple "Mary-Jane" type names as Aranea is a fan of more unique names. It would be nice to have a couple music-y names for the Destruction bloodline and Aranea would want to make Allegro happy but she was also more bending with her last litter of Wreckage's and keeping a themed litter so she'd want some freedom on name picking this time.

Activity: We are both pretty lax about activity but I'd say after 2 months of no posting we will have the right to reclaim these guys back. Any purchases made are expected to stay with the character. One of us will have a chat with you to see what's going on before just taking these guys back!

Just if you wanted to peek for ideas, Balthier will be my babe for this litter!

<b>OOC Name:</b>
<b>Character Name:</b>
<b>Personality:</b> 150 word minimum

Extra design by Wyrm:

Aranea has a british accent. Threads can produce a Depression Trigger.

(Ar-en-ay-ah Har-per Lah-or-ee)

Scent: Lavender
Alignment: Neutral Good
Season: Summer
Height: 26 inches
Home: Somnium - Dead