
oh what tangled webs we weave




4 Years

The Ooze ParticipantTreat 2019
10-21-2020, 10:40 AM

Experiencing the unknown had been the whole purpose of attending the party tonight. Despite his guilt in leaving Aryn high and dry the young man had enjoyed the night thus far. He liked to drink, the way the intoxication made his body buzz was as enjoyable as the euphoria that settled in him. Lachlan had little to no expectations, but finding Tyrian was becoming an easy highlight. He’d helped him to shed his self imposed responsibilities, Tyr offered up many new paths to explore. Discovering his lips was all that Lachlan could think about. His mind was foggy from the liquor, the late night, and the heady scent of the man he was pressed close to.

He willed the exciting emotions that filled him to be seen through those precious few moments. Lachlan closed his eyes, fell deeply, and eagerly into their kiss. His whole body seemed alight with prickles of electricity as his belly bubbled with butterflies and his breath refused to be caught. Lach had never been so close to someone, the way that Tyrian held him summoned intense feelings that he had yet to explore. Feelings that beckoned his attention and became more concentrated as Tyr’s claws teased his flesh.

Lach barely withheld a soft whine that threatened to escape his lips at the jolt such contact sent through him. As though Tyrian could read his body better than himself his soft liquor laced words brushed against Lachlan’s lips. ”No,” his tone was breathy and soft, but he was more confident in his answer than his voice might lead to believe. At first he had been content in slowly testing the waters, but his caution was easy to throw to the wind. ”But I can’t find the path.” He continued quietly, the intimacy of their whispers brought shivers down his spine. Lachlan was an explorer, but sometimes finding his way was easier with another.

”Show me, Tyrian?” His gaze lowered and dark lashes obscured his vibrant gaze as his focus lingered on Tyr’s dark lips as a shy grin played on his own. Lachlan had been so worried about messing something up, but Tyrian was succeeding in shucking the caution from the young man. Lachlan couldn’t name many of the emotions he felt but excitement, anticipation, and his nerves assured him of his certainty of his decision. ”Please.” He looked back up to Tyrian’s stormy gaze and felt his heart nearly thunder from his chest, uncertainty surrounded him but he was propelled by the thrill of confronting the unknown.