
Come and shake me from my sleep

for Eligos



Advanced Fighter (75)

Intermediate Intellectual (50)

8 Years

Samhain 2022Statue 1 WorshipPride - AsexualUnderachieverThe Ooze ParticipantVolcano
Christmas 2019
10-21-2020, 08:36 PM (This post was last modified: 10-21-2020, 08:36 PM by Thalia.)
(set a bit after the bachelor party at Obsidian Beach!)

Thalia hadn't been able to stop thinking about Theory's challenge since she'd returned home to Aerie. Somehow Theory knew best how to get deep under her skin - not with gentle kindness and warmth, no, but by grating against her nerves, by daring her to come to Abaven and.. and what? See how things were between them? They'd only ever existed together in brief moments, in temporary lapses in time. Whatever they shared was fleeting and, though intoxicating, not really grounded in reality. Could it be something more? Perhaps this was the sign she'd been looking for all along.

Thinking about feelings wasn't something she was good at, and the longer she sat and thought about it, the less clarity she felt. Thinking through things logically was all she could do, and after a lot of thinking she decided seeking out Eligos was her best bet. She remembered exactly what he'd said to all of her family the day he'd stepped into power, relieving Pyrrhic from his unwanted throne, and his words had stuck with her. We need to go out into the world as a unified force, as family, walk among the packs in this place and be known to them as more than simply a frightening rumor. They were not meant to rule with an iron fist - perhaps someday they could find such greatness again, but it had earned them no favors thus far. Walk among them.  Make them believe we are their friends. Let them hire us to do the things they fear to do themselves. His words that day she had remembered nearly verbatim, repeating to herself like a mantra.

Reminding herself of his ultimate goal somehow brought her alarming clarity. Not in terms of her feelings for Theory, but certainly in what she needed to do. Finding Eligos wasn't difficult, perhaps due to the hour; it was just after dusk and she'd been pacing near the lake, and once she came within earshot of him she found the words tumbling out. There wasn't time for pleasantries, not that Thalia was really partial to small talk to begin with.

"Eligos," she greeted him with a dip of her muzzle, trying to figure out where to begin. After a moment she cleared her throat. "I'd like to ask you something. I've come across an opportunity. To join Abaven," she clarified quickly. How was she even supposed to begin this conversation? Though she worried how he would react, she had a feeling he would understand where she was coming from in the end. "I've gotten close to Theory, and she seems to want me to join her pack - at least for now." That wasn't quite the same tone of Theory's actual request, but that didn't matter, did it? Aerie and her loyalty to them were more important than feelings. "As far as I know, Abaven hasn't had the best history with the Abraxas. Give me a chance to fix that. I'll figure out what they need and how we fit into the picture."