
It All Started With That Smile



"You're never fully dressed without a smile!"


Master Fighter (243)

Master Hunter (260)

An icon representing the specialty Defender Defender

An icon representing the specialty Bloodletter Bloodletter

9 Years
Dire wolf

UnderachieverSamhain 2022Statue 3 WorshipWealthyPride - BisexualDouble Master
LoserThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3Ice Bridge ExplorerWordyCritical Fail!
1KHalloween 2020 - Spooky Cave
10-22-2020, 02:59 PM

The normally frigid northern regions had a more mild and temperate atmosphere in the summer months. Green grass spring between the massive trunks of the redwood trees that towered to the heavens like skyscrapers. Foliage and flora bloomed, and pockets of song from birds around the forest could be heard breaking the otherwise peaceful environment. A warm summer's breeze rippled through the dense forest like water, weaving between the trees in gentle gusts.

The stillness of the forest was shattered abruptly by the cries of pain of a wolf echoing like the shriek of a banshee through the woods, reverberating and sending a nearby flock of birds scattering from a tree in all directions. Down below, the massive form of the black dire wolf with red brindle markings snarled as he lunged for a smaller male wolf sprawled across the ground, sinking his razor-sharp teeth into the muscle in his hind leg. The downed wolf howled in pain while Alastor dragged him by his leg, bobbing his head side to side to avoid the kicking from the wolf's other hind leg as he tried to fight back. Alastor's strength could not be contended with though, and as soon as he had drug his opponent over to a rock protruding from the ground, he positioned the wolf's head just over the rock, then bit down on the leg in his jaws until he heard a loud snap of bone disintegrating and tasted fresh blood pour into his mouth.

The wolf screamed in agony again as his leg broke, and Alastor simply stepped around to the disabled wolf's head, smiling down at him as he lifted a back leg and brought it down on his skull hard, snapping his neck over the rock with a crunching of fragile vertebrae. The wolf's body went limp in the blink of an eye, leaving Alastor to stare down into the glassy eyes of his defeated opponent with a sickeningly sweet smile. Aww, so close...! he thought to himself as he licked the blood from his fangs, turning his gaze from the corpse to look around the clearing. Now where did he... Ah, there he is!

Alastor's grin widened when he saw the trail of crimson staining the grass leading to another downed wolf, this one still trying desperately to crawl away. Smiling to himself as he strode without hurry up to the wolf that was quietly whining and whimpering in a combination of terror and pain. His black eyes lingered on the torn and exposed muscle and sinew on the wolf's leg, admiring his own handiwork for a moment. He had effectively incapacitated the poor soul as soon as their fight had begun, and he'd actually made pretty good progress in trying to flee! Too bad for him, Alastor had been more efficient at killing his companion than he was at escaping.

"Now now, just where do you think you're going?" he asked, stopping the wolf with a firm paw down on his injury that made the wolf yowl in a way that sent shivers down his spine. "All I did was ask you and your friend a simple question. You didn't have to be so rude, you know." The wolf began to sputter and beg again, but Alastor was already over it. Neither of them knew where the white-furred female he was looking for was, and anything this wolf said now would clearly be a lie to try and save his own life. Sure, Alastor could have been merciful and spared the incapacitated wolf. But Alastor was not a merciful wolf. "No no no, it's fine, I'll simply have to continue my search on my own. But before I go, let's play a game!" His eyes flashed with a wicked gleam as his grin widened, exposing all of his teeth in a deadly smile. "Your friend lasted one minute and thirty-seven seconds. Let's see if we can beat that!"

Ignoring the wolf's please for mercy, Alastor lunged forward and sunk his teeth into the back of the wolf's neck, tossing him onto his back before lunging again. The wolf pressed his paws to Alastor's chest, trying to hold him back, but the dire wolf was relentless, and as the wolf's strength seeped away with his bleeding leg, Alastor was able to wrap his jaws around the wolf's throat and bite down hard. He felt the rip and pop of flesh giving way, he tasted that delicious metallic tang of blood as it filled his mouth, and he heard the strangled gasp as his opponent succumbed to his injuries. Tearing back with a rip and splash of gore, Alastor stood over his dying opponent, smiling down at him with blood-stained teeth as he watched the light slowly fade away from the wolf's eyes, gasping and choking through the bloody hole in his throat as he expired. All the while, Alastor chuckled to himself, counting down the seconds in his head.


Warning: Alastor is an explicitly mature character for violent and sexual content. Read his threads with caution.
As his mate, Manea may enter any of Alastor's threads not marked Private.
