
Beware the bored fox



7 Years
Dire wolf

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3Double MasterIce Bridge ExplorerMammoth HunterBeevent
1KCritical Hit!
10-22-2020, 05:18 PM

Ulric blinked with confusion when Bait looked at him with a similar confusion and told him that he thought Ulric would know the way after this... until it was revealed that the fox was just pulling his leg. He smirked and chuckled with a little shake of his head. It made him wonder if all foxes were this mischievous, or if this was a trait exclusive to Bait. Once the little fox took the lead again, Ulric pulled himself to his feet and followed along as Bait brought him to a spot where the vines had been moved to make a bit of a path. It was certainly more fox sized than it was large wolf sized, but it was certainly better than nothing and he was grateful for the fact that he wouldn't be climbing over bundles of brambles any longer.

He looked down at the fox, nodding quietly as the path ahead was explained to him. He committed the instructions to memory - follow the path to the giant, mossy tree, head north, and then follow the path out of the forest. Easy enough! He laughed and gave a shake of his head as he answer, "No, not a chance of that. I'm going to avoid this place at all costs I think. My short cut turned into the exact opposite!" With a chuckle he turned toward the path that he had been brought to, giving Bait a grateful nod. "Thanks for your help, I really appreciate it. If you ever find yourself a bit further east of here where the hot springs are, stop by and say hi, won't you? I'll make sure to get you a good meal for the trouble!" With his promise of a repayment made, Ulric went to finally get the hell out of this cluttered, misty, creepy forest so he could finally go about finding the gift he wanted for Azariah.

