
It All Started With That Smile



"You're never fully dressed without a smile!"


Master Fighter (243)

Master Hunter (260)

An icon representing the specialty Defender Defender

An icon representing the specialty Bloodletter Bloodletter

9 Years
Dire wolf

UnderachieverSamhain 2022Statue 3 WorshipWealthyPride - BisexualDouble Master
LoserThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3Ice Bridge ExplorerWordyCritical Fail!
1KHalloween 2020 - Spooky Cave
10-23-2020, 11:14 PM (This post was last modified: 10-24-2020, 02:05 AM by Alastor.)

If there was one thing Alastor did not possess a capacity for, it was the ability to feel fear. The silence in the dense forest did not frighten him. The cold, expressionless glower Lurid was fixing him with did not frighten him. And when her expression finally did break with an unsettling grin, it did not frighten him. Alastor locked the gorgeous femme fatale with keen eyes, electric and fire seeming to pass between those empty black irises. While he knew Lurid was not a brash wolf, choosing her words and actions as carefully and meticulously as the care she carried herself with, the silence did seem to stretch on between them for far longer than he would have preferred. Her smile, when it did appear, lifted the bloodied wolf's spirits, eyes alighting with a lively blaze while he held still as she came closer to nuzzle and embrace him.

Alastor's toothy grin relaxed into a content smile, lowering his head to embrace her with gentle rubs of his muzzle against her forehead in response. She truly was a delight to behold. Her silken soft fur brushing against his dense coat, her warmth from their close proximity, her luscious scent of sickly sweet butterscotch hinted with the richness of rum... Oh, how he had missed his lifelong friend and leader. No other wolf could contend with Alastor's primal, often seemingly insane, bouts of vivaciousness and violence. Lurid had always taken his behavior in stride, going so far as to encourage him and giving him focus. Now that she was here, he already felt far less lost and bored. That lyrical duo-toned voice sent chills down his spine in ways that sparked electricity through him, like touching a live wire. The dire brute remained silent while she spoke, graced to be merely in her presence once more. At no point did his eyes leave hers when they connected, lips still curled in a ghost of a smile. That stalwart smile did not even quiver when her demeanor changed, watching as the stunning phantom of beauty transformed into a horrific pale demon with no reaction whatsoever. He knew what Lurid was. He had seen and been on the receiving end of her violent outbursts of anger before, and after a lifetime of dread and pain, there was very little she could do to inspire fear in him.

When she approached him again, Alastor remained stock still, neither bowing nor backing down, leaving her to either back down or make contact with the emotionless male. As it turned out, she opted for contact. His ears flicked to catch her melodic Latin threat and only barely managed to get a grin out before she was on him. Again Alastor did not move, the wolf letting out a snarl of surprise and pain when her fangs sunk into his scruff. But despite the thrashing and shaking, the burn of her fangs as they ripped into the thicker flesh of his scruff, Alastor just laughed. His light, manic laugh mixed with the sounds of their scuffle to reverberate and almost echo around the clearing like a haunting choir of demonic voices. The stinging pain accompanied by flashes of hot euphoria was like a hit of a drug that numbed him to all of the world—save for her. Alastor just laughed while she released her anger on him, the larger male not resisting or fighting back as she ‘punished’ him in the most quintessential Lurid manner, simply yielding to her and taking it in stride. There would be plenty of time for more of their rougher play later now that he had found her again, and for him to stand against her and show her he wasn't a wolf to be pushed around willy nilly, but this was not the time for it. He had indeed disobeyed her—he knew that—but he could not bring himself to regret it, not when he was at last feeling alive for the first time in months!

Alastor's mad laughter was only broken every few seconds by the occasional yelp when she caught a particularly sensitive nerve bundle with her teeth. "Oh, how I've... missed you... Lu Lu!" he managed to shout out between gritted teeth and low growls as he bore the brunt of her assault, knowing full well what further pushing her buttons would mean for him. Of course the hulking brindled wolf didn’t care; he enjoyed flirting with danger and relished stoking the fires that burned inside the alabaster devil currently using him as a chew toy. His massive paws finally lost their grip on the ground beneath Lurid's savage threshing, kicking up chunks of grass and dirt as he nearly collapsed to the ground, head still held up by his scruff locked securely in her jaws. He was at her will by this point, whether she decided to continue with her physical punishment or relent.


Warning: Alastor is an explicitly mature character for violent and sexual content. Read his threads with caution.
As his mate, Manea may enter any of Alastor's threads not marked Private.
