
It All Started With That Smile



"You're never fully dressed without a smile!"


Master Fighter (243)

Master Hunter (260)

An icon representing the specialty Defender Defender

An icon representing the specialty Bloodletter Bloodletter

9 Years
Dire wolf

UnderachieverSamhain 2022Statue 3 WorshipWealthyPride - BisexualDouble Master
LoserThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3Ice Bridge ExplorerWordyCritical Fail!
1KHalloween 2020 - Spooky Cave
10-24-2020, 05:46 PM

The response she had to him pulling out her most loathed childhood nickname was instantaneous and feral, and had been exactly what Alastor had expected. Irritating Lurid and getting underneath her skin had always been one of his most favorite pastimes, one he had sadly not gotten to indulge in some time. She shook him by his scruff harder, the forest around the brute becoming a blurry world of color and motion whenever she did, only to settle back into dizzy familiarity once she stopped. He laughed harder, almost in hysterics by this point and beyond appearing completely insane. Of course, he knew Lurid was well aware of who he was. She was one of the very few wolves that had known him since childhood and had seen what he had become. There was no doubt in his mind that she was probably more at home with him howling with laughter like some sort of manic hyena than if he had been quiet and stable. That was the trick with Alastor: his emotions had always been one extreme end of the spectrum or the other. He was either delightfully mad or filled with a homicidal rage. Only Lurid seemed to be able to read him like a book no matter his mood.

With his loss of his footing, Alastor ended up on his side in the grass fairly easily. Lurid had been able to leverage his larger frame and weight against him, and no sooner had he hit the ground, he felt her attack grow in ferocity. Once again the world was sent into a spinning frenzy of colors and blurred shapes, making the mad wolf cackle to himself. The stinging pain sent a fresh rush of dopamine through his bloodstream, providing him with a hit of demented pleasure that he could only find in select few places. His chemical-laden rollercoaster ride came to a sudden and abrupt end when he felt her powerful jaws eventually relinquish their hold around his scruff, leaving the male both dazed and confused. He turned his head to try and meet her eyes, but was instead greeted by her muzzle against his ear, her warm breath and hushed words making the thin appendage flick in reflexive response. She spoke, her voice in that seductive purr that had led many a wolf to their demise, and the one that was currently raising electric tingles throughout the larger male. She called him by his nickname, one he equally loathed as she did hers, but had come to endear whenever she used it. His grin turned into a full smile in response.

Then she spoke that final addition. Alastor's smile vanished all at once. His black eyes darkened further, clouded with haunting memories and aching scars that never healed nor went away. The corner of his mouth twitched in a semblance of a snarl while the neurons in his brain fired over and over and over. Behind the veil of pain and anger in his eyes, it was clear his mind was working at a breakneck speed to fully process what she had said. Alastor's claws flexed against the ground, tearing deep trenches into the earth where he lay. He was barely present anymore as that rage flared up inside of him, growing from singing embers into a fire that scorched his very soul—or what remained of it. He was barely even cognizant of her snapping at his face until he felt the warmth and wetness of her tongue running across his cheek. Conflicting demands from the voices in his head battled for supremacy. Did he maintain his facade and laugh it off, let her remain in control and bear the pain of his punishment? Or did he respond in turn and show Lurid that even she had limits with him?

After a moment of thought, Alastor fixed Lurid with as best of a glare he could from his sideways position, his mouth contorting into a full growl that exposed all of his glistening white dagger-like teeth as the violent rumble grew in his chest. If she was going to test him, he was going to do the same to her. She wanted to play and he was more than happy to oblige. He snapped his jaws back at her, nipping through the air near her cheek and ear. It wasn't an earnest attempt to get at her, but his unspoken challenge had been issued. He would take punishment for going against her word, but if she wanted to prove that she still had the ability to dominate him, she was going to have to prove that. Alastor knew he had the size and strength advantage over her should she choose to escalate to full contact, but she had the advantage of already having him off his paws and the knowledge of how to beat the deranged dire wolf in combat. His eyes burned like two smoldering pieces of coal, locked onto Lurid's heavenly visage as he snapped at the end of her snout again, planting his paws on the ground and digging his claws into the earth to stabilize himself against whatever she decided to throw at him.

"Or else what?" he retorted, voice practically dripping with defiance in hopes that she would take the bait of his challenge and try to prove she could still dominate him. Despite his growls, he began grinning again, eagerly awaiting Lurid to show why she was still worthy of being called an alpha. "You'll rock me to sleep again? You didn't do a very good job of it just now."


Warning: Alastor is an explicitly mature character for violent and sexual content. Read his threads with caution.
As his mate, Manea may enter any of Alastor's threads not marked Private.
