
It All Started With That Smile



"You're never fully dressed without a smile!"


Master Fighter (243)

Master Hunter (260)

An icon representing the specialty Defender Defender

An icon representing the specialty Bloodletter Bloodletter

9 Years
Dire wolf

UnderachieverSamhain 2022Statue 3 WorshipWealthyPride - BisexualDouble Master
LoserThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3Ice Bridge ExplorerWordyCritical Fail!
1KHalloween 2020 - Spooky Cave
10-24-2020, 09:01 PM

It was an incredibly difficult thing for him to do, restraining himself in such a way. Restraint was not something the red and black wolf was well-versed in. The demon inside of him demanded blood—demanded he lash out to release the fury and rage burning him alive from the inside out like a wildfire. But whenever he would turn his furious gaze to glare at Lurid, her face broke through the fog of anger clouding his mind. He did not want to hurt her; she was the only one he did not want to harm in some manner. But if she had gone soft during her time of solitude, did she still deserve to be a leader? This was his test for her, just as much as she seemed to be testing him. He felt her teeth graze his cheek and snapped his head back towards hers, reaching for the soft skin near her neck on instinctive reflex. Rabid snarls and bloodthirsty growls continued to rumble like vicious thunder deep within the feral beast of a wolf as he turned to snap at her again, only to feel claws flex against the softer parts of the lower end of his body. Lurid had positioned herself expertly over him, using her weight to keep him subdued. Even though he was larger than her, Lurid was by no means a pushover either, nor was she small or lightweight, both wolves clear contenders to match one another.

Alastor released a wild, pained snarl when Lurid's toughened claws sank through the flesh on his side til she was scraping them against his ribs. Thin rivulets of crimson blood spilled from around her paw, sending searing agony through him. Ears flicking to catch her threatening laughter, Alastor lunged up to snap at Lurid's throat again, a primal desire to sink his fangs into the tender flesh of her most vulnerable spot driving him, but still holding himself just shy of making contact with her. The brute yelled as his tormenter twisted her claws against his side to subdue him further. She demanded his total submission without concession, her voice sending a cocktail of emotions through the giant wolf. Narrowed onyx eyes stayed fixed on the flawless features of her face, the brute breathing heavy and hard against the stinging pain and the unrelenting urge to both maul her and do things on the exact opposite end of the spectrum. She reminded him of his predetermined destiny with her, of the oath he had taken long ago, and finally threatening him with that damned bear of hers. Although the prospect of getting to fight and kill a polar bear did entice him, he knew better than to try and challenge Lurid from his current position.

Alastor suddenly became painfully aware of his situation as clarity began to slowly filter back into his brain. He felt every part of Lurid's body above his, keeping him pressed down to the ground, the sensations of her hot breath washing over his face as she leaned closer to whisper directly into his ear. His chest heaved with each deep breath he sucked in, and each one pushed her claws harder against the bones of his ribs, renewing the stabs of pain in his side. Gradually the fire of relentless rage burned down in his eyes, her demands still swarming around in his head like a swarm of angry hornets. As the seconds slipped by between them with Lurid effectively keeping him pinned with her claws and body, the monster that had emerged within him began to sink back into the depths of the darkness within his soul, his facade returning to conceal the pain away. Alastor's tense body began to unwind, relaxing beneath the domineering fae's, until the snarl fell from the demonic male's face, leaving him staring up into the murderous gaze of his empress. Still breathing hard, Alastor's ears folded flat to his skull as he shifted beneath her slowly, rolling to his back in a clear sign of submission to her. It felt wrong. Everything about submitting felt wrong. But he had no other choice between that or fighting, and if he fought her, they'd both only end up bloody, bruised, and hurt. He could have continued to struggle and defy her, and there was no doubt that their battle would be extraordinary, but where would be the fun in that? What a wonderful way to waste all of the time and effort he had put into finding her again.

There's the Lu Lu I remember... he thought as his smile slowly returned to his face. A low chuckle started in his throat, slowly growing into a light laugh. Still on his back beneath her, his belly exposed in surrender, the black and red demon dared to reach a paw up and place a careful touch to the side of her cheek, grinning to himself like a madman as he ran his touch along the side of her neck til he reached her chest, his claws raking through her fur as it traveled the curves of her body. He was still rejoicing in the fact that he could actually touch her again as he had finally found her!  "So glad to see you haven't lost your touch, my empress." He flashed his white teeth up at her and gave her a wink. "I've missed you... We've all missed you."


Warning: Alastor is an explicitly mature character for violent and sexual content. Read his threads with caution.
As his mate, Manea may enter any of Alastor's threads not marked Private.
