



6 Years
09-06-2013, 11:51 AM

His words set her at ease and she felt herself relax. Was that why she had been nervous? Had she feared the worst for her aunt? Azalea mentally cringed at the entire idea of Epiphron, or any wolf, giving birth. It was a grotesque process.

Maverick seemed to be pacing himself, but not for his benefit but hers. Sure, she was a bit worked from the long travel but Azalea was accustomed to going all over Alacritia. Adventure was in her blood and her many travels had given her a rather high level of endurance. "The adopted daughter, Arian, was the child of Natsu.. perhaps you knew him? Anyway, he was killed and the mother brought her here because Natsu spoke so highly of Epiphron. The mother died on the borders, my wife tells me she was in horrible condition. We buried her and have since taken the child in. She's only a bit older than our own pups - so it hasn't been much of a change." Natsu? She wasn't sure if she knew a Natsu but there were many wolves that she didn't know, and just as many that she knew by face and not name.

Azalea was frowning now, the story quite horrible in deed. She wondered if the child would have any recollection of the events as she grew. Minds tended to block out such traumatic events so it was entirely possible she would never know what happened to her blood family without Maverick and Epiphron telling her. If she were in their shoes, she didn't know if it would be ultimately better to tell her or not. With a little more thought, Azalea decided she probably wouldn't tell her.

Arian... Azalea wanted to meet the child now. "I have a feeling my four will give me a run for my money as well, especially the girls." She chortled quietly behind him. "Just remember not to hold them too tightly, then you risk them never coming back when you finally let them go." Azalea was glad of the freedom she had grown up with, it had allowed her to discover the world and make decisions on her own, she liked to think that ultimately she was a better wolf for it, or at least on her way to being a better wolf.

They were stopping now, trees springing up before them in a patch of heavily concealed ground. The king woofed and Azalea knew they had arrived even if she coudldn't see the den. Her nose went to town, taking in the scents that hung heavily in the air. Epiphron, Maverick, milk, puppies. "Epiphron, come and see who I've found.." She smiled warmly at the back of Maverick's head. She could hear the overwhelming affection in his voice and it filled her with warm fuzzies to know that her aunt had found someone who truly loved her. It was a love like her parents had, a love like everyone should have.

"The den's just ahead, but we'll let them come to us - it's a bit tight in there." She nodded, "That's fine, plus I rather dislike being underground." She involuntarily shivered.