If You Don't Make Those Little Noises, It Won't Work
10-25-2020, 11:48 AM
Shilah followed along after Lynvarr, enjoying the extra height the wall gave them while exploring. He couldn't say he enjoyed that there was a giant chunk missing out of the wall and that Lynvarr had decided to set up one of his trail markers right where Shilah intended to jump. "I'll do my best, but you better wait til I fix up my map." He unfurled the map and quickly sketched in where the hole in the wall was. That knowledge could come in handy some day but for now it was more of a nuisance. Shilah rolled up the map and tucked it away. The wind was really starting to come down from the north now. He backed up, eyed the hole then raced forward, leaping as far as he could to clear the gap and just clear Lynvarr's trail markers. They wobbled a bit a mere inch behind him. Proud of his acheivement he puffed up his chest. "Ha! I'm more nimble than you give me credit for!"