
my best self



8 Years
Small species

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 31KBeeventTreat 2019
10-25-2020, 01:35 PM
Armando had decided to make some changes. If he was going to make it work in this wolf dominated world then he was going to need some wolf allies. He'd carefully considered the packs on offer before deciding to learn more about this one. Some were out of consideration immediately. The one that had held Motif captive was out, of course. As was the one that had merged with the band that had stolen her in the first place. Others were a bit too nice. Abaven, even with its familiar faces, wasn't ideal. He couldn't be himself there and if he was going to call someplace home he wanted to be able to relax in it. He needed a place that would accept him for who he was and that was why he wanted to learn more about this one. Now, he didn't have any concrete information on it. All he had was rumor, but it sounded like this one, maybe, would fit him.

The portly panda was sitting high up on a outcropping. While he was interested in joining this pack he wasn't so naive to think his interest was necessarily enough to keep him from getting eaten. For that reason he was going to stay up nice and high until he was certain it was safe to come down. Armando had brought some of his goods with him. If he was going to advertise his true self then he was going to show these wolves what he could bring to the table.

After fixing his fedora Armando was left with a dilemma. This pack spanned two territories. To cover the distance wolves howled to each other, but Armando wasn't a wolf. At his loudest he'd get an echo off the rock walls, but there was no way anyone in the other territory would hear him. Well, he was just going to have to yell and hope someone was close enough to hear him. Armando cleared his throat and then let out his loudest screech. With that still ringing in his ears, he yelled, "Hello? Anyone there? I'd like to speak with your alpha!"

Armando has a female tufted titmouse companion. It doesn't have a name because it's dumb and doesn't deserve one. Assume it's with him always.