
Keep Me Guessing




5 Years

Pride - BisexualBeevent
10-25-2020, 05:13 PM

A beautiful name for a beautiful woman," she chimed in with a smirk after Muzet had introduced herself. She wasn't shy about her flirting and it seemed like she had stumbled upon someone who wasn't afraid to flirt a bit either. It was a nice surprise considering she had come out her with her only intentions being to get away from her own thoughts for a moment. It was also even more rare to find a woman so forward in her advances toward her so it felt a bit like she had found a piece of treasure. As the thought crossed her mind, the darkly colored woman at her side paused to search through the sand for a bit and Elise stopped to watch her curiously.

When she uncovered the bit of jewelry, Elise's sky blue eyes lit up with surprise and she spent a moment "ooo"ing and "aaah"ing over it. Of course it was broken and tarnished, but it was the first little something like this she had found out in the wild and not already claimed by someone else. She was a little disappointed to see that the gem itself was also just as crumbling as the rest of it so it would be incredibly difficult to make it into anything worth keeping. Giving up on the idea to try crafting it into something else, she nodded in agreement to Muzet's suggestion of leaving it for the next treasure hunter before looking up just in time to see the sand stuck to the end of the woman's nose and the way her eyes crossed to look at it. It made Elise giggle girlishly and grin, watching as Muzet shook her head. Elise brought her nose to Muzet's and gently booped them together so that she ended up with a bit of sand on her nose as well before giving Muzet a daring, amused glance. At the suggestion that they go to check out the building in the distance, she glanced over Muzet's shoulder at the structures in question before giving a determined nod. "Absolutely... Lead the way," she agreed easily before bringing her gaze back to the other woman's interesting green-hued gaze.

"Talk" "You" Think