
oh what tangled webs we weave




4 Years

The Ooze ParticipantTreat 2019
10-25-2020, 05:32 PM (This post was last modified: 10-25-2020, 05:33 PM by Lachlan.)

Could you feel anxiety and relief at the same moment? Laclan wondered as Tyrian leaned forward with one more soft kiss before he answered. The red marked wolf let loose, he’d thought that he would drive the massive man from his side. It’d take a whole lot more than Lachlan’s awkwardness to do that it seemed. He didn’t have any time to dwell on his insecurities as Tyrian made it clear that there wasn’t anything else he’d want to focus on.

The liquor warmed him only slightly less than Tyrian did as claws grazed skin through ivory fur. Words became useless as the two of them spoke through touch. Lachlan relaxed and allowed himself to be guided just as he’d asked to be. Involuntary shivers and sighs left him with every brush of Tyr’s saber like fangs against his pelt. There wasn’t much coaxing to be done as Lachlan was slowly rolled to his shoulder, and with his drunken trust placed fully in Tyrian’s paws, to his back.

Once his belly was exposed Lach felt everything change. A stifled whine slipped past his lips as he began to see the destination he’d sought to find. Like some invisible switch had been flipped. Even in his drunken haze he could feel it, especially as his ghost like gaze found Tyrian’s again. He felt like he’d swallowed his heart and was now beating out of his throat. While his stomach was warmed by the liquor a concentrated heat pooled below his navel. No one had done anything like this to him before, and as he surged forward into the unknown Lachlan realized how much he wanted Tyrian.

His breathing was harder now as he searched Tyrian’s expression, he couldn’t help the goofy but adoring grin that played on his own lips. His sober sef might have tried not to put so much weight in these intimate moments, but drunk Lachlan was much more of a romantic. He felt special, and for now he could allow himself to be submerged fully in Tyrian. Lachlan whined softly, an audible hint to the eager emotions Tyr encouraged in him. Lachlan was nervous and excited but he was safe and cared for. Despite being near strangers Lachlan felt like he was the only wolf in the world as far as Tyrian was concerned. Already the night would be made unforgettable.