
Can You Fix The Broken




7 Years
Athena I

Samhain 20221K
10-25-2020, 10:31 PM
Walk | "Talk" | think

Was it strange to continue thinking about someone so much even after only spending a day with them? He'd met quite a few wolves in his various travels and wanderings, but Aranea had really stuck in his mind for some reason - and not just because of the night they had spent together. That was probably a contributing factor, but it wasn't the whole reason. She had a quiet mystery about her that he wasn't used to after living with a family who was all fairly open about their feelings and what they were going through. Of course maybe they were that way purely because they were family for the most part, but even still, he wasn't used to meeting someone who was so obviously closed off and hurt. It made him curious and worried all at once and it had taken all of his self control to not go looking for her to check up on her and make sure everything was still okay in the days that followed their meeting. He had happy around her and he hoped that maybe he had given her a little bit of happiness as well during the short time they were together.

Sleep felt far away this night and he found himself wandering out of the pack's lands again. He seemed to spend more and more time outside of their claimed lands now that his leg was fully healed. His curiosity and wanderlust always got the better of him and it felt better to be up and moving than just laying in his den alone waiting for sleep to find him. This time he moved a bit further north, eventually finding himself at Firefly Lake. This place certainly wasn't a mystery to him since he had visited several times in his wandering, but it was a place he enjoyed so he wasn't displeased with his random choice in direction.

A scent that had been engrained into his memories found him as he moved along the edge of the lake and with surprise he looked up from the ground to see her silhouette in the distance. It felt as if him thinking of her had somehow summoned her into his presence again. He wasn't sure what he had done to deserve this happenstance or twist of fate, but he was thrilled either way. With a little smile he made his way around to where she was sitting, not rushing over, but moving at a light trot. He made sure to make a bit of noise with his steps so that he wouldn't startle her with his sudden approach. Once he was a comfortable distance from her he slowed to a stop and offered her a warm smile, suddenly feeling a little flutter of nervous butteries when her blue eyes found his. "Aranea... it's good to see you again."