
I Was The Prototype




7 Years
Athena I

Samhain 20221K
10-26-2020, 06:37 PM
Walk | "Talk" | think

As he stood in the water with her at his side and the quiet settled over them he found himself smiling without really noticing it. He hadn't realized how much he had missed the companionship of others until now. When he had been with his mother's former pack, he had been around someone nearly all the time. They all seemed to be interested in hearing about the place where Oria had ended up and he in turn was just as interested in learning about the wolves that had raised her. They didn't seem to have visitors come from outside of their pack all that often so new faces were incredibly interesting to them. When he came back to Abaven he saw wolves here and there living there lives and occasionally he would spend time with his family members, but it felt very obvious that time had moved on without him. He wasn't sure how to reconnect with them now and he found himself lingering and wandering on his own more and more. Now that he was spending this comfortably quiet time with Aranea it made him realize how much just being with someone had been missing from his life.

He let her take the first couple lunges at fish as they swam within reach. After her second miss, he told her quietly so not to disturb the fish that might swim by next, "The water messes with the angle of how you see them. So they're actually further along than they appear... plus you have to adjust for the amount of time it takes for you to strike and get through the water." He hoped she wouldn't mind his advice, but it was all stuff that he had learned on his own with lots of trial and error. Hopefully he'd keep her from a lot of the same wasted time with his experience. He spotted another first heading their way and he added, "Like this," before shifting just a bit to put himself a bit closer to its path. Holding still, he waited till the fish was almost at his front leg before ducking his head under the water and catching the fish between his teeth right behind its gills. Popping his head back above the surface again, Allegro grinned around his catch as he looked back to Aranea with a nod.