
Saying Goodbye



5 Years
Extra large
09-06-2013, 04:09 PM

Have you ever heard of the Nomads? He would shake his head no at her first question, ears pricking forward with rapt attention as she continued on with her story. I don?t think it?s likely; so far as I know, they only travel Calarada. They had an Alliance with Redwood that every Spring, they would come to stay for a month, to learn defense maneuvers. A great deal of my lineage comes from them. They are a peaceful band of healers that never stay in one territory for long. My grandmother was said to be so experienced her mere touch would heal any wound, but I doubt that was true. She was a deep red color, and my mother said that when the sun hit her fur it was like a flame had come to life. I have their eyes. But my coloring of fur comes from my mother. In any case, you don?t want to try to attack the Nomads. They are efficient. They never kill, but they do disable. The Knight would become serious, nodding to Erani's words. The nomads. He had never heard of this pack before, but they seemed like a respectful pack of wolves. Certainly much more peaceful than his own people. Then again, his birth pack wasn't a band of murderers, but if they were attacked, there was no mercy shown to the attackers.

His thought seemed to be easily reflected in his icy pools as Erani leaned forward, brushing her muzzle against her shoulder, reassurance flooding his system with the touch. And we would have been glad to have you. A small smile crept its way onto his inky jowls, ebony tail wagging gently behind him. I would've been honored to be a part of such a noble pack. And then she would ask about his mother. His mom. How he missed her sometimes. She was much like me in coloring, though her pelt was complete ebony with just a brush of grey flecks across her spine and dotted around her icy eyes. She was quite beautiful. There was a sadness in his voice as he spoke about his mother, often times wishing that he could back to his birth pack.

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