
Fate is a cruel mistress



10 Years
Athena I
10-27-2020, 12:31 AM

A few weeks had passed since Casso had brought her the news of Nolan's fate and she found herself going through the motions of life. If someone brought her food she would eat, but otherwise she may or may not make an effort to do so. She laid in her den staring blankly at the wall for the most part though occasionally she would walk out into the sunlight to lay under one of the trees for a while before going back to her alcove. She didn't speak to anyone. If anyone tried to speak with her she would either ignore them completely or give them a glance. For the first few days she couldn't bear the thought of putting on her necklace, but eventually she decided that it hurt her more to leave it alone in her alcove when she went out so she took to wearing it again even though it felt strange to do so.

Today she had managed to venture a bit further out into the plains, making it to the communal meeting area before settling in the shade of the rock they used during their pack meetings. She closed her eyes as a breeze came through and ruffled her fur. She had already been in fairly rough shape before all of this with her losing weight and getting more and more frail as the weeks went by, but now she didn't even feel like herself. Her ribs were fairly visible and her fur was disheveled and clumped in odd places from the lack of effort she had put into fixing it. She didn't care. Nothing mattered.

Blinking her eyes open, she settled her head onto her front paws with a sigh. Now she would wait as every excruciating minute continued to tick by while she wondered why she was still here.

"Talk" Think