
She's up all night for good fun


09-06-2013, 04:32 PM

He wasn't entirely buying her act. It was for times like this that she was thankful to have enough self control to be patient. Apparently he took offense to her laughter from the narrowing of his eyes. He was going to be a tough cookie to crack. Glaciem. His words where clipped and to the point. The pack name sounded vaguely familiar but she didn't really care. She had little interest in knowing anything personal about him. She just wanted him.

"I don't think I've heard of Glaciem before." It was a subtle cued that she wanted him to give a few details about his home. It was from her experience that the more one talked the more they relaxed, especially when it came to themselves. Sharp eyes casually watched him, looking attentive.

He was smart. She would give him that much. Something was telling him to be wary of her, as he should be. But lucky for him she had no interest in killing tonight, her desires far more primal. The silver woman watched at his nostrils flared as though he smelled something. She couldn't pinpoint what though. Nothing seemed out of the ordinary. Audits twitched casually, listening, before returning to attention.

"Cat Talk" "Cena Talk"