
Curiosity In Our Minds


09-06-2013, 05:53 PM

Confusion seeped into his mind, eyes casting about for some clue as to his whereabouts. But to no end was his sense of being lost. He had never been in these parts of Valhalla, and so he felt very stupid. His pride kept him from howling for help, from calling another one to aid him to find his way. Just what he be lost on his first day as a Valhallan. Perfect.

He sat down where he stood, looking around with raised brow and confusion plain on his face. Nope. No clue as to where the hell he could have much for exploring his new territories. Maybe he should have asked Seraphine to give him a tour...but he didn't want to seem like a newborn pup barely making its way into the world. How degrading would that be? Shaking his head, he stood and moved forward again. He couldn't really follow his own tracks back because the strange lands of Valhalla seemed to have erased them. He didn't quite understand this had so many strange wonders and mysteries to it.

At last after another hour of being lost, he would stop at the base of a large tree and look around nervously for the first time in his life. He had never felt nervous before, especially at being lost in strange lands. He supposed it was because he was alone for so long, and being lost in a strange territory instilled some type of fear in him. He hoped that someone would come and find him...otherwise, he would have to make the call...that oh so embarrassing call...