
Colors In The Water


09-06-2013, 06:22 PM

She didn't want to look at him. Gaze remained anywhere but on his, she couldn't stand looking into a face that looked so much like her mother. Those eyes, pelt, and accent.. It was too much at one time. If only he had been red, or brown, and had green eyes, or.. anything but this. Besides the ebony that was dipped here and there he might have been an exact replica of her mother. Only he wasn't.

He spoke, giving her his name, and stating that he would talk about it if she waned to. What was there to say? "Oh hey, my mom died, so yeah." That wasn't something she was about to tell a total stranger. Or was she? She was just about to look up at him when his touch sent shivers down her spine. She had never been touched by a male before, well, besides a brief pelt brush with Isardis. Crystal blue eyes finally looked up to meet his own, and at that moment, she could feel it. She could feel the works in her heart changing, she could feel the sickening butterfly's in her stomach as they made their way to her chest. It felt like the wind had been knocked out of her, because when she tried to say something, her mouth wouldn't even open. What in the hell was happening to her?

Had he poisoned her? Given her a brush with some toxic potion on his nose? Had he put a spell on her? What in the hell was going on. He spoke again, telling her not to cry. Honestly she had been to astonished and confused to even remember crying. Since their eyes had met the tears had stopped because she was far too fascinated in this new feeling. He said he would stay here as long as he had too until she felt better. Does that mean forever? Was this going to be the boy that she could fall back on whenever she needed to? Was he going to be the one to save her from Isardis if Chrysanthe were to fail? So many questions swarmed in her mind, they were so loud she couldn't drown them out. She wanted so badly to stare into his eyes for hours, but reality wouldn't allow that. "You... might need to stick around for a while then." Was all she managed to say. When he winked she couldn't help but smile. It had only been a few minutes in and he was already starting to make her truly smile again.
