
as we collide



5 Years
Extra large
09-06-2013, 09:46 PM

Of course. Would come his aunt's confident answer, clearly no doubting the abilities of the pale ghost. This was the first time Taurig would ever see his father in battle and it was certainly an interesting thing to see the somewhat delicate looking pale King become fierce in battle. His attention would be riveted to the fight, large mass tense with unease as Isardis and the red-faced queen would dual, things heating up when the Valhallan queen would suddenly twist, aiming straight for his father's prized jewels. A snarl burst from his lips, ears flattening against his skull, inky lips pulling back against ivory weapons. The little whelp of a woman plays dirty. His aunt would comment in his ear, causing him to snarl again in agitation. Coward! He would hiss into Sendoa's ear, pressing his larger mass against hers in an attempt to calm himself. What a pathetic coward, taking a low blow. Blows like that were only permissible in a life or death situation and the woman was hardly close to being dead.

Just when he thought that things couldn't get any worse, it did. In the form of Argent challenging for the Valhallan king. Taurig's icy gaze moved away from the fight to focus on Argent's figure, watching as she lowered herself into a defensive stance. Now there were two challenges going on at the same time. Taurig sincerely hoped that his father would win and Argent would too, because Glaciem wouldn't be able to stand loosing it's King and a major Overseer.

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