Berry Nice To See You
10-29-2020, 05:00 PM
"A pleasure Aranea. The shy one over there is Halla." He smirked and grinned at the serious woman. They'd been crafting for awhile together and he couldn't resist a little jab. Taking his water skin, Káti added a pint of water to the tea bowl. He didn't want the healing properties of the herb to just evaporate so he added a lid to the ceramic bowl. Once that was taken care of, he very carefully scooted the bowl towards the fire before turning back to the poultice. Káti added just enough water to get the herbs wet before scooting that ceramic bowl near the fire as well.
His ears pricked up as Aranea spoke lowly that she was interested in what Halla was doing with the bark. He nodded. Come to think of it he was to. "Hey, Halla, what are you doing with that bark there?"