


09-06-2013, 10:32 PM
The voice, while gentle, startled the young babe and she moved her head back and forth for a moment before the scent struck her nostrils and gave the position of the one that had spoken to her. Fixing sightless eyes straight ahead, hoping to give off some sense that she was attempting to look at the one she could not actually see, Sikte released a gentle sigh from within. She wished so badly that she could look upon the face of the soft spoken other, to see the color of those eyes that she knew were peering at her and yet she could not. Sikte could hear the caress of the simper against the other?s lips and she bowed her head in thanks as she replied, ?I honestly have not the faintest idea where I am, but I can hear the comforting sound of the water and rough grains beneath my feet. My assumption is that I have stumbled upon a beach, correct??

Her own simper tugged at her lips as the caudal appendage swayed to and fro slightly, simply glad to have met someone so kind. Not all were that way, and the woman harbored a fear of being attacked or taken advantage of due to her blindness, ?Poppy, that?s a lovely name. It is a pleasure to meet you, Poppy. I?m Sikte, and if you haven?t noticed - which, you probably have - I?m as blind as a bat.? Despite the fact that she tried to keep her words light and jovial, there was a tinge of sadness in her voice as she spoke them, but the more she said it aloud, the easier it became to cope with. Nares flared as she drew in the perfume of the quiet spoken babe before speaking once more, ?Are you from here? I don?t smell the markings of a pack on you.? She hoped that Poppy was certainly from the area or at least familiar with it - she would need help navigating to proper shelter for the evening.