
as we collide



09-06-2013, 11:24 PM

Cormalin had been watching the fight intently, and hadn?t realized that Seraphine had snuck into the Field to observe the Challenge, until Cael arrived late, and the pregnant female, Argent? Abruptly challenged, for Gideon. Personally, Cormalin would have felt no loss if the male Chrysanthe had chosen to lead beside her had been won. However, this wolf was a part of the pack, and important to Chrysanthe. He looked around, and his eyes found Seraphine, who was running home. A growl rumbled in his chest. The yearling had snuck in, when Chrysanthe had expressly said at the meeting, where he had seen Seraphine present, that only the Council, Surreal, and Gideon?s adage of Cael, were to come to the Challenge. The yearling would have to be dealt with later. The consequences of what she had just caused would depend on how this newest bit of trouble ended.

Chrysanthe?s attack to Isardis? scrotum hadn?t set well with the Glaciem wolves. Oh well. They?d be better off with the albino?s ego lowered. Turning away from watching the departing yearling, he stepped up, eyes falling on Argent. You are willing to risk your unborn litter? No female should be fighting when she?s so far into term.? His body fell into a relaxed stance, loose and balanced. Paws fell into a square stance. Head dropped level with his shoulders, throat protected, ears slightly pinned, tail falling to droop between his legs, out of reach. ?Are you sure you want to live with that heart pain?? It was her choice. For Valhalla, he would fight, but he wouldn?t harm her if he could talk her out of it. Or if someone else took up the challenge. ?This has not been an attempt to overwhelm your numbers. Seraphine was present when the pack was told only five were to come along. And she disobeyed those words.? Youngsters? And speaking of.. Azalea?s explosion made his head turn. Oh for Luna?s sake. ?Enough.? One quiet word. He doubted it would even work. This challenge was not going well. "Surreal, head home."