
Remember the Name

Knight Cloud

09-06-2013, 11:48 PM

Downcast eyes attempted hidden embarrassment at his previous question. Why the hell had he said that!? He thought for moments, thinking...dreading that she would surely turn and run now. But then her sweet and soft words made him raise his head in quick surprise. "I do, Six of them, I don't like being away from them." So his assumption was right. She had cubs, and he now understood why she looked so skittish and afraid. She probably thought he would attempt to harm them...Understanding had flooded him instantly when this new information was revealed. And slowly, a smile would spread gently to plaster itself to his features as he then gazed with a sudden calmness in his gentle green gaze.

"I that's why." He dipped his head to her again after his mumbled thought. Then stood, tail at a lightly higher level then his hips and darkened ears cast her way. "I can hunt with you, two would be better than one and much faster at catching something...that way you can get back to your children." He offered as he turned, motioning for her to follow. He would help her to find food as quickly as possible so that she could return to them quickly. As they walked, a bit more curiosity would come into play, and he wondered if she would be willing to tell him a little more. He often spent his time with cubs in his old pack lands, and very much missed them. He wondered if...if maybe she would let him look after her pups some day when she wanted time to herself. Well, when she trusted him more of course. Now they had barely met, still strangers to each other in all but names.

"If...if it's not too much to ask...what are their names? I spent a lot of time caring for cubs back home...I guess you can say I was like a father figure to them...especially since most of them were orphans..." He shook his head slightly. Most of the cubs that he did care for were orphans. Their parents often killed in war against other packs or killed by sicknesses or just never returned from their missions. Yes, their lives were one of the harshest to endure. Nobody ever knew when or if someone would return from a mission, a hunt, or a war. Ambushes were common, thus putting cubs in a parentless state. He hated it...and he hoped that someday should he have cubs, he would be sure to always be there for them.
