
Witch's Hut (Cairo II)


Cairo II


Master Fighter (250)

Master Hunter (295)

An icon representing the specialty Weaponsmaster Weaponsmaster

9 Years

Halloween 2020 - Witches HutValentines 2020
10-30-2020, 09:45 PM

It was a slogging, wet few minutes, and Cairo was pretty sure he felt things brushing against his legs under the water, but it proved not to be too deep as long as he followed Enito’s chosen path. He came to the far shore, dripping, shaking out his coat and armor before he pressed on, noting that the Mandrill kept the sapling.

They came to as top as a structure came into sight, and Cairo’s eyes swept over it in a mixture of curiosity and apprehension. It looked like something left behind by the long-gone Human race, and Enito muttered as much.

Still, curiosity won out over the caution, and Cairo padded forward. He stayed light on his toes as he peered in through the door, taking in the sights once his eyes adjusted to the dank shadows within. It seemed mostly abandoned, though he could smell, at the very least, traces of vermin. Likely rats.

He studied the objects that stood out most, glancing to Enito, who shrugged. “The vial could be useful for Paladin’s concoctions… you could store honey in it once the original liquid’s been used… The meat would only be useful for the time it takes to eat it, and you’ve already got travel provisions.”

The logic was sound, though Cai added privately to himself that the kids would probably love to make a mess with that gourd of what looked like paint. But in the long run, the vial might be more useful.

Cairo rose on his back paws and gently plucked the vial from the shelves, and Enito spotted a pouch by the door and retrieved it, dropping the vial into it as Cairo offered it to him.

It was getting dark out, and Cairo didn’t think he relished the idea of staying here overnight while Chrystal worried for them, so he turned for the door, moving to leave.

Cairo chooses the Vial

Walk ---- "Speak" ---- "Hear" ---- Think