
as we collide



5 Years
Extra large
09-07-2013, 12:09 AM

He was trying really hard to keep himself in check. As much as he didn't know his father, he had sworn his loyalty to him and he be damned if he was going to just stand around and watch him get castrated right in front of him. But as much as Taurig wanted to jump and save his father from the ultimate disgrace, he couldn't. This was his father's fight, he was only here to make sure that no one decided to attack him after everything was said and done. But it seemed that things weren't going to be done yet; not by a long shot. The Valhallan's had known that Argent would challenge for one of theirs if they decided to bring more than the allotted number of wolves and it appeared the latest addition was the one that did it for Argent. She was challenging the Valhallan's for their king and the Knight expected the big mouthed russet man to step up for himself, but it seemed that the younger russet faced girl would be the first one to talk, insulting Argent. Bad move.

That was it. First they insult his father and now they insult Argent? Disrespectful bastards. He was glad that Seraphine had scurried home because he didn't want her to see anything that shouldn't. He moved away from his aunt, giving her ear a gentle tug before stepping in front of her a he took several steps forward until he was standing directly in front of Argent, shielding her from the Valhallan's with his massive size. He was a solid wall of steel-like muscle with eyes sharper than ice and fangs just as sharp. Audits would flatten against his skull, muscles tensing beneath his grey-blue coat, lips peeling against ivory fangs as he allowed his icy gaze to bypass the darker male whom he recognized to be Erani's brother, to settle on the russet faced youth, a snarl erupting from his jaws. Either you silence your insolent children, or I will do it myself. Each word as a fluctuating snarl, sharp and full of deadly intention. No one would disrespect his pack.

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