
Bonnie and Clyde

Fel & Sibyl



3 Years
10-31-2020, 06:03 AM (This post was last modified: 10-31-2020, 06:04 AM by Fel.)

The days had all run together lately. Fel was spending more and more time away from Aerie simply because she didn't want to look at the faces of her brothers. The rest of the family was fine, but seeing Eligos and especially Pyrrhic... The woman was reminded of the one that was lost. Aureus had been the best of them without a doubt. Ah, but she wasn't thinking of that, was she? If she didn't acknowledge it, it didn't happen. That was how the world worked.

Having traipsed away from Aerie lands, Fel found herself yet again at the wide, winding river. The woman had taken a dip, using one of her new soaps to clean her silver streaked pelt. She had an addiction to soaps. No matter how many she had, Fel always wanted more. Baths were such a luxurious pass time. She could be off rutting, stealing, doing any number of things, but instead she chose the ritual of cleansing herself as a hobby. She was such a wholesome lady. -Snort-

With her body spic and span, Fel sprawled out on one of the many massive boulders that lined the river. The warm, summer breeze gently absorbed the water from her coat. She had always loved a good air drying. The woman's coat was taking on the glistening sheen that only well cared for fur could attain. Being black and silver helped that shining image just a bit, but she truly did care for her coat. She was sprawled on that rock when the sound of bickering voices met obsidian ears. Being atop a boulder and unmoving in her leisure, the pair didn't even see her. Ah, it seemed that this was perhaps some sort of lovers dispute? As she listened, garnet eyes widened slightly in surprise and interest. Murder, was it? Oh, that was a juice secret. Ah, and now the pair were lost. Pity. The big brute got close to the woman's face, his words harsh. For a minute Fel wished that she would bite him. He definitely deserved it for being so... utterly male. Instead the little woman pranced away, putting distance between them. Now was her time.

Raising her head, Fel crossed her black gloved forelegs at the ankle. The woman gave her dainty skull a slight tilt as deep red eyes fixed upon the brute. There was a twinkle of amusement in those eyes. No situation was ever too serious for Fel. Well... she could think of one, but it didn't happen. Didn't happen at all. "You're lucky that she didn't bite your nose off for that. Some fae's aren't nearly as peaceful." Would she startle him? Would he be angry at her assessment? Would the pretty little pale thing return? Time would tell.

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Fel can often be a very...mature character. Be aware.