Haunted House (Plague)
10-31-2020, 01:44 PM
You carefully try to remove one of the puppets from the rafters, something telling you to be cautious about not letting it fall. You rise up onto your hind paws and gently try to hook one of the puppets with your paws, it takes a few tries and one of them is just barely dangling off the edge. Just one more- You swing with more force than you mean too, knocking the puppet off the rafter and it clatters to the ground loudly. For a moment you stare at it's twisted mangled form and then the puppets hanging above your head begin to swing wildly, their limbs clanking ominously and you suddenly feel the need to flee. It takes a moment to make your limbs listen to your brain, but the sudden pain as a puppet hits you sends you pounding out of the room. You peel down the hallway, then race down a smaller staircase and stop only once you're at the bottom. You skid to a halt, panting and sore. You quickly take stock of your wounds and notice pain in you rump, that one's likely gonna hurt for a while after you get out of here.
Plague has become injured