
Crossing Ts, dotting Is




7 Years
Dire wolf

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3Double MasterIce Bridge ExplorerMammoth HunterBeevent
1KCritical Hit!
10-31-2020, 05:02 PM

Ulric grew a bit more serious as Resin delivered her warning and he gave a nod of understanding. It was absolutely sound logic and he certainly wouldn't have chosen to have a litter so close together with Tamsyn's, but given the fact that Azariah hadn't thought she was able of carrying pups this had been a surprise to all of them. Of course he would have figured out a different plan or place to live if Resin hadn't felt comfortable with them housing another litter so soon, but he was happy to hear that she would allow them all to be here. "Of course, I completely understand. I'll help to make sure we have plenty of food stored away for everyone as well. Hopefully I'll be able to get my pack up and running soon enough so I can help relieve a bit of the strain." He wasn't sure yet how his new family would effect his time line and plans, but knowing that he was part of the problem when it came to crowding their numbers with tiny mouths to feed was enough of a motivation to place that as a priority in his mind.

He nodded and his smile returned when she pointed out the containment she had prepared for the soon to be pups. It clearly wasn't her first go around with the little things and it made him all the more curious about her past. He'd never really asked about how she had gotten to this point and he wasn't sure if she'd appreciate him poking around in her personal life. It was kind of nice to not be bogged down in the dark and sorted past when they spoke. They had just picked from from their first meeting and got to work. When the questions turned to his own preparations he chuckled and gave an exaggerated sigh as he grinned with a bit of humor. "It was just about done before this news... I've had to take down a good portion of it so I could build it out some more and create some more space. It's under way though and I'm pretty certain it will be done before the little ones arrive." He didn't mind doing the work. It would all be worth it end the end and he was excited to see them all enjoy the space he had created for them once they were here.
