
bend but don't break

The Judge


09-07-2013, 09:48 AM

Ashtoreth vs Maverick

Round 1


CLARITY: 7 / 10 Which way did she step with her side step? How is she trying to bite? Merely snag it and apply pressure, or grab it and rip it from beneath him?

POWERPLAYING: 8 / 10"If allowed to continue..." If statements are frowned upon, for the simple fact it allowed to many factors and can seem as though one is having the outcomes already planned for them with no availability to react.

DEFENSES: 5 / 10

Squaring off (assuming this is for balance) Head and ears lowered. Tail as a rudder.

ATTACK: 5 / 10

Legs are awesome attacks, great to go for, and very effective. Disabling the opponents ability to walk pretty much throws them out of the running. Still, more could have been done here.

INJURIES: 10 / 10

None. First Round.

Round One Ashtoreth Total: 35 / 50


CLARITY: 10 / 10 Your post was clear.

POWERPLAYING: 7 / 10 Don't assume anything about the other's positioning. "Which would be accessible due to her having to lower her head to bite at his leg," While yes, this is obvious, it's inclined to change at a moments notice and the other person may now feel inclined to leave their characters placement as is.

DEFENSES: 9 / 10

Well Done. Remember to also keep the legs bent, given the attack made by Ashtoreth, it could help him in keeping a less tightened hold.

ATTACK: 7 / 10

Maverick has to move opposite of her for his attacks to be accessible. So, though your attacks are good, your positioning is incorrect.

INJURIES: 10/ 10

Deep bites to leg, no damage deduction via first round.

Round One Maverick Total: 43 / 50

Round 2


CLARITY: 5 / 10 There was no true defining of what the slam to Ashtoreth's head did. You didn't really clarify what damage was dealt. Also, on Maverick's bite, how shallow were the cuts? An inch? Half an inch?


DEFENSES: 4 / 10

Eyes and ears narrowed/pinned. Balance mentioned (though two legs off is dangerous, the mentioning negates it) mention of the tail, and head tucked.

ATTACK: 6 / 10

Attempting bite to shoulder. Attempting to shove. No count for trying to "scrape" a wolves nails can't really get thrugh the fur of another.

INJURIES: 7 / 10

Shallow bites, and slam to the head (unknown damage deducting one point)

Round Two Ashtoreth Total: 32 / 50


CLARITY: 10 / 10 Your post was clear.

POWERPLAYING: 10 / 10 No Powerplaying.

DEFENSES: 7 / 10

Ears were tucked, claws grasping for traction, and tail acting as a rudder. Mention of balace, and jaws angled downward (considering tucked)

ATTACK: 6 / 10

Knocking off balance. Bite to the face can be effective, but where is it being placed? Cheek, jaw, side of muzzle, or eyes? Maybe the ear. Specify in the future, please.


4 gashes (inch long each approx.)

Round Two Maverick Total: 41 / 50

Round 3


CLARITY: 10 / 10 Your post was clear.

POWERPLAYING: 10 / 10 No Powerplaying.

DEFENSES: 2 / 10

Ears and chin tucked.

ATTACK: 1 / 10

The nails of a canine truly have no effect.

INJURIES: 7 / 10

Soreness/bruising chest/shoulders, punctures to the cheek.

Round Two Ashtoreth Total: 30 / 50


CLARITY: 8 / 10 Jaws took purchase where on her face?

POWERPLAYING: 6 / 10 Jaws should be attempting to shut on her paw, and also be attempting to get there.

DEFENSES: 6 / 10

Ears tucked, eyes narrowed. Jaws are open and tail is acting as a rudder.

ATTACK: 7 / 10

Nice and simple attacks, full credit not given due to powerplay of the catching of the paw.


Deep gashes, and mild gashes obtained.

Round Three Maverick Total: 33 / 50


Ashtoreth: 97/150

Maverick: 117 /150

And the winner is...

Maverick! Astoreth must give up by either submitting, fleeing, or passing out.


Maverick-Soreness for approx. 5 OOC days.

Ashtoreth- Bruising and soreness for approx. 1 OOC week.

--Judged by Lutara-- you both did very well, especially you, Mouser. It being the first spar I've seen you in, I'm very impressed. Remember to quickly clarify /everything/ in a fight and be careful on little things. "if this then that..." statements are very dangerous in spars and are often considered powerplaying. Also, I would study some other fights and remember your defences. Andy, you did really well too, I'm gonna just clean you up a bit- be specific on where your attacks are going, I think that was where you lost the most points? Well, also make sure you specify your attacks more. I was often left wondering exactly where something was supposed to be landing.