
gonna break my rusty cage

hunt/nav seasonal



2 Years
11-01-2020, 05:39 AM

Percy’s whole body wriggled with excitement as the grey man plunged into the water. The flash of silver heading out to the ocean wasn’t entirely unexpected, but the girls mind was a fickle thing anyway. There was plenty else down there to catch - including another wolf now! Frantically she paced back and forth along the bank, occasionally barking at the water while her tail waved in an arch high over her spine. Could he hear her down there? Wasn’t he running out of air yet? What if he’d actually drowned? She was pretty sure there was no chance she would be able to haul him back up... But finally her eyes made out a dark shape rising and she stepped back, clearing a space for the other wolf to emerge.

When she saw the hard shelled creature hanging off his nose with tough pincers she couldn’t contain her laugh. But it was the strangest creature she had ever seen! (or at least she though it was...) It looked just like a rock, but it moved! She’d never seen a rock move before! Deciding she just had to get one for her self. She ran at the water gleefully, leaping into the air and tucking her legs in tight, hoping to make an even bigger splash than the other wolf had, despite her smaller size as she tightly closed her eyes and held her breath for the initial impact. As her head went under the water, she opened her eyes, ignoring the sting of the salty water and adjusting to the blurriness. The rock thing hadn’t seemed to have limbs, so it must be near the bottom, right?

The Avalon kicked out, her feet struggling until she thought to spread her toes, it was just like running over snow, but wetter. Her feet finally found the sand, a pressure pushing on her ears uncomfortably as she tried to find something worth bringing back to the surface. She thought she spotted another leg-rock and snatched it up quickly, her lungs beginning to burn with a desperate need for air. The light above was blocked by an errant clump of seaweed, but it was the only way out. She closed her eyes, continuing to kick up, the thing in her rock not having a very nice flavour at all. Maybe the other wolf would like it though?

The seaweed wrapped around her body, adding weight to her final push towards the surface. She emerged from the water like some swamp-beast, covered in kelpy slime. The spluttered grumbles that left her mouth only adding to the image. She could barely see through the tendrils that draped over her eyes. Everything tasted like salt.

Now that she was back on land though, she dropped her prize proudly, shrugging off her seaweed shroud, thinking perhaps the healers at the Hallows might have a use for it once she was done here. But her rock wasn’t moving like the other wolf’s had been. Now that she was back on dry land, able to see clearly, she realised her rock was, well, just that. A rock. The girl wheezed with laughter, flopping into the sand ungraciously. "I should probably just stick to fish huh?"

"Percy". "Theo".

this city’s gonna break my heart

WC - 537
TC - 2520
[Image: 9Fr76Pv.png]