




Master Fighter (245)

Master Hunter (250)

An icon representing the specialty Juggernaut Juggernaut

5 Years

Samhain 2022Statue 3 WorshipOoze ImmuneThe Ooze Participant
11-01-2020, 03:07 PM

Kichi ignored the comment on Ilyn, he had heard it but wasn’t bothering a response with what he thought of Ilyn’s protection.  Of course should something ever truly happen his opinion might change of needing a protector.  Ah! The realization came to mind.  “Ilyn isn’t very good at watching me.  Maybe if you have to keep leaving Alastor could stay with me instead.  He’d be more fun,” and then turning to look more directly at Lurid, “and I wouldn’t sneak away on him.” It was said so openly and he meant it, at least until his little puppy mind thought of a reason to not do what he said.  Right now he just liked the idea of having another wolf to play with when Lurid left him.

Kichi was sitting there listening to Alastor about the meeting, his tail brushing the ground, displacing a foolish leave in its path.  At the comment of cheating though Kichi’s tail paused as he seemed to consider before answering that.  “How’d she cheat?  I thought ‘long as you won it wouldn’t matter how?” He didn’t have terms of clean or dirty fighting yet or any other version of ethics in terms of competition so this was a new notion. Glancing between Alastor and Lurid thoughtfully on this notion then bobbing his head to Alastor’s soft question, “uhhuh, cause I wanna watch and see who wins.” Who was stronger the new guy or Lurid?  

Apparently, Kichi was quite taken to the idea of a big tail friend who was also a guy, and of course, this wasn’t his guardian to give rules but a friend and so that was nice.  He had been perking up more at the idea of watching a fight when Alastor said he was going to teach him to never feel pain or fear.  It was like he’d turn into a statue for a moment as he observed Alastor and once more deciding how much to trust him on what he could really offer.  Then it was an internal fight to tell himself it didn’t matter and nor was he going to focus on the causes of such things.  It didn’t last past a moment, Kichi’s mind finally dragging itself to locking onto the ‘big powerful wolf’ part, it sounded good and was a safer thought when he was a center of attention. “I’m already pretty strong,” Kichi had to boast, “I jumped over a huge tree log to get here and I can break super thick bone pieces or branches.” It was how he measured it so far, “Oh, and I got a bite in on Lurid a while back! Bit her muzzle good.” Going so far as to glance at Lurid for confirmation and back to his new friend.

Secrets?  Kichi moved closer, it was good that Alastor was lying there so he could easily whisper into his ear, “what secrets?” What puppy wasn’t enticed with secrets, “What are they?” Yup, the tail was going again.  He had managed to forcefully shove back the bad memories and focus only on the ‘now’.  ‘Now’ was always the safest and learning about secrets seemed a great idea!

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