
say you will




5 Years

Pride - BisexualBeevent
11-01-2020, 11:08 PM

She knew his promise rang with truth when he swore to not leave her and it made her more confident that she had given herself and her heart to someone she could trust. Even though she was still a bit nervous about what the future would hold, she was excited to see how it would go with Iroh at her side. A small part of her wished that any remnant of her family remained so that she could introduce him to them, but they had all gone or disappeared long ago. She knew there were plenty of Adravendi out there in the world, but her immediate family was no where to be found. It was something that she had made her peace with, but in these moments when she made some kind of big, life altering change she wished there was a way she could ask her father for his advice or get her sister's valuable input. She silently hoped that if her parents could see her now they would be proud of her for finally taking a step to settle somewhere with someone that she felt confident that at least her father would approve of.

She settled into his embrace happily, the slight bit of worry driven tension that had formed in her shoulders quickly melting away. The feeling of his lips on hers was a welcome and familiar one - something that she was more than willing to lean in to while her mind continued to spin from how this chance meeting had gone. When he spoke again, whispering words she never thought she would hear against her lips, her heart skipped a beat while she completely lost herself in the tender adoration of the wolf that was now hers. "I love you too, Iroh," she whispered back, not realizing how true those words were until she spoke them. As her own emotions began to overwhelm her, she dove back into a passionate, love driven kiss, drowning herself in his presence and giving up her entire being to him. There was still plenty to figure out with how her life would fit into his, but for now she didn't want to think about all of that. She just wanted to enjoy him and their fresh, fledgling love for each other.

"Talk" "You" Think