
Bonnie and Clyde

Fel & Sibyl



3 Years
11-02-2020, 07:08 AM

The man seemed to be trying to figure her out. Good luck there, buddy. Fel had never even figured herself out. Woe to the man that attempted to do so. She still surprised herself all the time. No doubt she would manage to surprise herself during this encounter as well. You never did know what was going to leave her maw during a particular bout of banter. Unfortunately, she hadn't had much use for banter as of late. The Aerie wolves were much less fun than she'd like them to be. Aside from maybe little Danta, but you couldn't get into much verbal jousting with a pup, now could you?

His retort to her biting comment brought a softly audible exhale of air to exit blackened nares. Different occasions called for different reactions, so of course that would be his answer. A vague answer. A broad answer. It wouldn't be as much fun if he just told her who and what he was. Part of the fun was in the game. Figuring him out. She'd get there if they spent any sort of time together. She always did. Some were a lot easier to figure out than others. However, when it came to figuring out someone who was also trying to figure you out, there were layers of personality built up around ones core. Layers that she could slowly, or quickly, depending on the situation, peel back.

Again the mans comment brought a soft chuckle from her. "Oh, aye. Some bites can be much more enjoyable, I'll give you that." With her sexual proclivities, Fel knew biting all too well. There were different kinds of sex just as there were different kinds of trees or fish in the sea. Fel's particular brand ran deep and dark. Biting was a well known sport there.

Ah, ah...this time the mans answer was a bit boring. He picked her words apart rather than answer the question. The resting fae's gaze narrowed ever so slightly. She didn't want him to get boring. This was the most fun she'd had in a long time. And then he came straight out and questioned her motives. Why wasn't she running? Hmm.

Fel slid down from atop the bolder like a piece of obsidian silk. The summer breeze had absorbed most of the water from her silver flecked pelt. After giving herself a little shake, she moved forward, picking her way across the rocky terrain with dainty, onyx paws. "Because Fear knows my name, big boy. He doesn't frequent these parts often." Though he dwarfed her in size, Fel moved right up to him, staring up into his calculating silver eyes. "Besides, how do you know that you're not the one that should be running?" There as heat in her gaze, a silent challenge. She could be a tiny murderess and he would never know. They were strangers, after all.

A sweet little voice sounded from off to the side as the pale lady returned. She asked the brute, Az, who he'd found. Blackened lips split in a grin as Fel offered the pretty fae a wink, noting the flirtatious look she'd been given. "Oh, I assure you, darling. I found you. I found you both." Taking one step back so that she could address them both, the dark lady held ears erect as she lightly dipped her head. "Fel Abraxas." Yes, she gave them her full name. No reason to hide here. Not when she already knew one of their secrets.

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Fel can often be a very...mature character. Be aware.