
you always want what you can't have



Master Fighter (240)

Master Healer (245)

An icon representing the specialty Juggernaut Juggernaut

6 Years
Dire wolf

11-03-2020, 08:19 AM
Her words echoed his own, like she took the blame for their situation entirely. Indigo tried to shake his head, it wasn’t their fault. They couldn’t help how they felt and they couldn’t sway their father’s decree. Indy just wished he could hold onto his sister’s pain so that she didn’t have to feel the same way he did, but he knew that wasn’t possible. They’d both hold tightly to the blame as they tried to relieve the other one. ”None of this is your fault, Asla.” He told her softly, but she continued. He could feel her breath against the fur on his ears as she spoke secretly and just for him.

They would continue on how they were, they’d play their game and Indigo would settle into the Hallows. He wasn’t exactly sure why but as she continued on and spoke of the moment they reached true adulthood he blushed lightly. The red skin wasn’t visible through his dark fur but he felt the heat she caused in him. Indy took in a deep breath and steeled himself, they had a long road ahead of them. One day they’d be able to truly show how much emotion they felt for each other. He’d prove his love for her.

”Yes, something to focus on so I don’t drown.” He muttered softly as he tried to catch her gaze from the corner of his bright blue eyes. ”I’ll miss you. So much.” He confessed lightly, he wasn’t sure if their plan would come to fruition but Indigo would hold the possibility close to his heart. ”For now, it’s just you and me though.” He assured her as he leaned his head back in the only way he could currently show his immense affection for her.

Warning: Indigo should be considered a Mature Character.