
Bigger fuzz balls



2 Years
Dire wolf

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 1
11-04-2020, 12:06 AM

It wasn’t like Daphne was slower than her siblings, and she certainly wasn’t shy, but already she was aware of her sizable paws and her ability to accidentally cause hurt to the others in her litter without ever meaning to. Any little yelp in the small den had cut her to her core, and so while the others charged forward she sat, mismatched eyes blinking slowly, adjusting to the idea of being out there, past the bright screen that marked the edge of their world to this point. With a final nudge from her mother, she finally breathed in a last deep breath of familiar air from inside the den, and stepped out into the sun, her tail waving apprehensively at her back, not the last, but not jostling to make an exit either.

She froze with her back legs still in the shade of the the entrance and looked up, and up, and up, following the towering trunks of the trees skyward, almost tipping clean over and rolling back into the den. She caught herself at the last moment, an ear turning towards her big mother with a delighted grin. Resin might have been scolding Rudy but that hardly mattered to the girl who imitated the sound at a much higher pitch, baring teeth at her brother in warning, he had been told...

As interesting as the outside was, it wasn’t nearly as interesting as the larger woman was. Daphne closed the distance at a clumsy gambol, hoping to scramble onto Resin’s back to better take aim at an ear with needle like teeth. She could be the queen of mummy mountain, if nobody tried to stop her.


have a little faith in me
Daphne’s memories have been taken by fireflies in a trenchcoat
[Image: Daphne-Chibi1.png][Image: crossfitdaph.png]