
Feel This Moment



09-07-2013, 05:06 PM

Collision had put it off while she brought up the kids and while they grew large enough and big enough to be self-sufficient for a fair amount of time, he felt the need to talk to her about the decision he had made. After all, it was going to largely effect her and the rest of her life, and if he gave her no notification, he was through and through just a bad man. It wasn't what he was trying to do, and he never wanted to hurt her; which was also why he wanted to change some things about his...their lifestyle. It was important and something he couldn't put to rest. Never would he let her be hurt by his own doings again. Having a hand in her pain was not something he sat well with, and so the rest of their life would be discussed today.

Body was seated at the edge of a lake, tail thumping gently against the ground as xanthous eyes pulled to the evening skies. It was a limited window as they needed to be home soon to find their children and get everyone put to rest, but it didn't matter. Things would be handled first and foremost. A long gentle howl was thrown out, begging the attention of his wife. Soleil. She was so sweet, and he only hoped he could conjure up her understanding with the news he had come to want to reflect in her. There was no reason for her to be upset, and he was certain he could get her to reason with him and his siding. `
